Call of War- Forum

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  • Reworked how trade offers are displayed in the diplomacy window - Fixed critical bugs that prevented armies from engaging in combat

    We've got a new update with some important tweaks and fixes to enhance your gameplay.

    Now you can easily see what's being given and received in trades with a single glance, reducing errors and helping you spot scam trades more easily. This brings the desktop experience up to speed with what mobile players have been enjoying already.

    We fixed an issue where armies couldn't engage in battles in another player's province if they had Right of Way. Now, the idle army must be defeated first before you can capture the province. No more sneaky bypasses! And we also corrected an annoying bug that prevented attack orders from being issued against neutral armies close to a border.

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

    Your Bytro Team

  • A new update has been deployed! The Spy Action Rebalance is now live, we are speeding up the early game and fixed bugs!

    Attention, General!

    The previously announced changes to Spy Actions are live now. Go launch a new map and try it out! We are eager for your feedback, so make your voice heard in the dedicated feedback channel on the official Call of War Discord Server.

    Spies are not the only gameplay that is being rebalanced. We’ve noticed that the early game can be rather slow paced, making it not very engaging to play. That’s why we are speeding up construction and research times on a number of buildings and defensive units in the early game. Refer to the detailed Release Notes for a complete list of the changes.

    And finally some bug fixes. The flooding of two French provinces on the Operation Supremacy map has been brought under control. We’ve also fixed missing confirmation popups, tooltips, and non-functioning info buttons to enhance the overall gameplay.

    Your Bytro Team

  • Next week we’ll be rebalancing how intelligence is gathered in Call of War. Read this news article for a preview of the upcoming changes.

    Attention, General!

    We’ll be rolling out some significant changes to the spy functions in Call of War. After listening to your feedback and carefully analyzing gameplay data, we are looking to improve the experience of spying and being spied upon!

    Spy actions are among the most powerful tool’s at a General’s disposal. After all, knowing your enemy’s weak points is more powerful than the most advanced technology or biggest army stack. But this also means they can become a big source of frustration for the player on the receiving end. Therefore we’ll be implementing the following changes on tuesday:

      • Disabling "Disrupt Economy"
          • Rationale: This action sees minimal use and doesn't significantly impact gameplay dynamics.
      • Disabling "Decrease Morale"
          • Rationale: Experienced players choose "Sabotage Building" for consistent results, making this action redundant.
          • Gameplay Impact: This function disrupts gameplay in a non-engaging way, as it shifts control of the revolting province randomly, making it less strategic.
      • Disabling "Reveal Country's Armies"
          • Rationale: This feature is too powerful, allowing players to allocate resources and units too efficiently along their entire frontline.
          • Gameplay Impact: We want to avoid unsatisfactory gameplay where one player is being “farmed” as their opponent has perfect knowledge of their armies movements.
      • Technical Impact: This feature can cause performance issues on larger maps.

    We also understand that these changes will affect your strategies. As this is a crucial change to one of the core mechanics of the game, we’ll be closely monitoring the impact. This is an initial test phase, and we will implement additional changes as needed. We encourage you to share your thoughts with us on our Discord server. Your insights are invaluable in making Espionage more enjoyable!

    We are eagerly looking forward to your tales from the battlefield, and how the new rebalanced spy actions have changed your experience. Happy Sabotaging!

    Your Bytro Team

  • Attention, General!

    This buff is showing love to the big guys! Heavy tanks are getting a slight speed buff to make them more mobile on the battlefield. At the same time we are increasing their Hitpoints, making Heavy Tanks a good choice for all out assaults on your opponent’s strongholds. Further we are adjusting the Tank Destroyers, giving them a slight upgrade on their damage values, and introducing the missing terrain modifiers that were supposed to be introduced with the last balancing update. This makes showdowns with hostile tank stacks all the more exciting!

    Further we cleaned up some annoying bugs. Misattributed kills are no more! Now the kill credit will always go to the unit in the army stack that dealt the highest amount of damage. Floating tooltips in the tutorial now appear in the correct location. And event and scenario images in the main menu overview are no longer displayed in the wrong aspect ratio. Enjoy them again in all of their glory!

    For a closer look at all the changes please check out the detailed Release Notes and share your feedback with us right here on the Forums and on our Discord Server.

    Best of luck General!

    Your Bytro Team

  • Two weeks of event maps, special shop offers and a birthday gift!

    How time flies when you enjoy yourself! Has it been this long already? This week, Call of War is turning nine years old. And as with every year, we have planned a big birthday bash to celebrate. Get ready for a tour de force of Event maps, birthday gifts and sales for you to enjoy over the next two weeks.

    Birthday Gift Operation

    Join us in celebrating nine years of tense battles and daring strategies. We have a special birthday gift for you as a token of our appreciation for your loyalty and continuing support for Call of War.
    Capture a single province during the birthday celebrations and then head to the operations window to redeem your gift!

    Special Shop Offers

    Make sure to check our shop regularly for great offers and limited time bundles! We have set up a great rotation of offers, so that you can find exactly what your arsenal needs.


    A new event map every two days! We've curated a selection of your most beloved maps so that we can celebrate in style. The map will change every two days, so check out the schedule below. You do not want to miss out on your favorites!

    • 29th-30th April - Rush for Europe - LIVE NOW!
    • May 1st-2nd - Arms Race
    • May 3rd-4th - Free For All - 4x
    • May 5th-6th - Operation Supremacy
    • May 7th-8th - All Countries All In - 4x
    • May 9th-10th - Team Up
    • May 11th-12th - Swift Strike

    You can also join the official Call of War Discord, where you can follow our event calendar to automatically be notified when a new event map starts.

    Event Operation

    And if the event maps alone are not enticing enough you can partake in the special Event Operation. Progress can only be made by completing objectives on any of the birthday event maps. You’ll be richly rewarded with a selection of unit cards and resource boosters. You never know when you might need that extra bit of firepower, so this is your opportunity to stock up on reserves!

    A heartfelt thank you to you, General, for accompanying us on this journey so far! When we look at our ever evolving and growing community we are filled with pride and excitement for the future. So let’s cut the birthday cake and get ready for all the countless adventures and memories that await us in the 10th year of Call of War.

    Your Bytro Team