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Rockets, enough to destroy both my army and enemy's, only destroyed mine and barely scratched enemy
PostFlying bombs preferred target is buildings.Bunkers only reduce damage done by units. A lvl 1 bunker was not strong enough to take the damage and protect your infantry against your flying bombs. The amphibious tanks are not buildings and took little damage and therefore survived and captured the city.That's my guess. Flying bombs are not really sufficient against units.I had to use 7 flying bombs to take out a 3 stack of 1 AC and 2 infantry all lvl 1's.
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Post@Cecil Rhodes. you still live in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe? Compared now as to the past,yes there are differences between the Ian Smith administration,Mugabe's ZanuPf party and the current government.Every African country that was fully taken over by the Pan African Communists(and Radical Islamist Jihad terrorists)ended up in the gutter. We in South Africa luckily have our GNU-government of national unity now, which should have been the game plan for White Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia from the st…
Best advice I can give you is to go onto the alliance rankings and go through the top alliances that are active and join them. The average alliance,mid-ranking and lower are usually "dead".It does have members but there is no chatting,the members are active daily but there is no communication no alliance matches, you are just part of an alliance. Most players join an alliance but they do nothing there,they just play their own personal games. We had new people that joined us weeks/months ago, I h…
Social Credit Log
PostFair enough cherish your heritage,it will stay as a distant memory. At least we Afrikaners have something left of South Africa. I myself do acknowledge our heritage but I am not happy or proud about it(I am referring to the Apartheid era)
Ok I understand what you saying about the hospital and the WB. What I meant with the advantage for free players were... before only Gold Buyers could use gold to heal units and free players that had gold from achievements now everyone gets war bonds and yes the same amount.My point was not about the amount of WB,it was that every player (especially free players) have an equal advantage now, it is still not really 100% equal but nonetheless,(free) players can use WB and do things that only Gold B…
Quote from FlipDowt1: “I bought gold so I could participate in Operation Payday. Almost immediately, I got to 50 and got the first reward. Then it stopped and I never got anything else even though I played extensively. Is it broken or do you have to keep buying gold to get to the next tier? ” I believe that is what the payday operation is.It is for purchasing gold,as you purchase you get the achievements just as you have to capture new provinces to get the achievements.Every capture gives you po…
Social Credit Log
PostQuote from Cecil Rhodes.: “"Gulag" is where your family would be sent if it was living in Soviet times due to not being deemed "Бєзопасньім для государства СРСР и довeренньі члєньі партии" ” My good sir, you yourself should not really come here and give opinions. With a profile name as Cecil Rhodes it does not sit comfortable with me as a born South African. Cecil Rhodes expropriated land from black people and tried to overthrow the the Transvaal government with the Jameson Raid which was a fail…
Social Credit Log
PostI have noticed here on the forum that it is not good to joke about or defend Nazi Concentration camps but it is perfectly OK to joke about, defend and encourage people to "go to the Gulag"...why is that? Yes we all know the history of the Nazis as well as the Soviets(it seems we have people denying Soviet atrocities and only focus on the Nazis) What makes the Soviet atrocities less atrocious than the Nazis?Is it because the Soviets have received less publicity than the Nazis?Is it because the So…
Favorite FOOD
PostMy favorite food is anything except asparagus,kidneys and liver other than that I can devour anything that's on my plate...
Quote from NickXXXNick: “Well, next game I will and it will be unfair to the other players. Lol ” It will not really be unfair to the other players because they have the same advantage.They would be able to do exactly what you can do. Everyone would end up with 300k WB,does not matter if someone is using it 6 x 50k...3 x 100k...1 x 300k (For further questions regarding War Bonds refer to the Forum-News-War Bonds New states there that it is non transferable)
According to your suggestion the plane then needs to be fixed to refuel faster not the airstrip.(similar as the transport ship thread suggestions where they want higher level transport ships to embark/disembark faster but you need an upgraded Port for that not an upgraded ship) I understand what you saying about planes flying short distance but still needs to refuel for half an hour. What you asking is that airstrips should not have levels but refuel with time according to distances?
Yes the "hospital" suggestions has been around for a while now.However the War Bonds have been implemented due to player base feedback, Bytro wanted to give free players also an advantage, the War Bonds have nothing to do hospitals/healing stations.In fact now that WB can be used to heal units just as gold were used,why would anyone want to be bothered with a hospital?I would rather use the WB than to spend resources on a building that would heal units where it can heal for free every day change…
A person needs to get the balance right. A lack of manpower is almost similar as an inflation.What causes inflation? Spending money that isn't there and printing money left and right for spending...Manpower is needed to produce units-higher level recruiting stations and new captured provinces are needed to get new manpower...If you don't capture new territory and continue to produce units, the manpower will run out,even if you upgrade your recruiting stations.It all needs to go with each other-u…
Quote from rdy2rocknroll: “I would prefer an expansion of the premium account. - Only premium account players would be ranked, thus only premium players would have stats and qualify for achievements - Give a daily ration of gold to premium players. (or war bonds). ( It wouldn't bother me if this was tied to rank, the higher your rank the higher your daily ration, could be an incentive to stay active.) - Add features that make a premium account desirable. (like the ability to que research). - Exp…
Your last sentence is exactly what I'm saying.If this game is not doing it for a person anymore pack up and leave,it will stay like this,by writing thesises and giving brilliant hypothesis about how Bytro conduct their methods is not going to change how things are. I agree.This game should be played with no gold and no War Bonds.Every player should be equally disadvantaged.There are community games where no gold were used not sure how it is now with WB. I am content with the way things are becau…
I do hear and understand the issue regarding skill, I also agree. A good player can play this game without gold or War Bonds. My point I'm making is the following...We found the game like this,we started playing the game like this and soon realized how Gold buyers have an advantage over players not playing with gold. People complained about the unfairness and the developers implemented War Bonds to give the unhappy campers some sort of an advantage also but now the complaining is bigger because …
That's the thing it won't change. Every person that joined the game was aware that gold is an in-game currency that are used to do certain things that would give a better experience maybe a legal cheat type of experience but it's part of the game that we found like that and gold/War Bonds will not go away. This is what it is.If we cry about this continuesly we will not enjoy the game. Love it or hate it,buy it or slate it... No one is holding a gun against my head, forcing me to play the game an…