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Quote from NEPTUNE the great: “Communism literally has been proven to always fail ” Bad leadership. It’s either that or Claudio and his minions Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from NEPTUNE the great: “Communism literally has been proven to always fail ” Los angeles and Paris: ” Paris has other problems
Quote from Hornetkeeper: “Quote from Tim Walast: “He's bad ” Who programmed you to think that Have you ever listened to his speeches? He's just SAFE. He's aware of every sensitive / bad thing and always knows how to be careful & convey his nation's interest in a neutral way. You see what I did there. He's a different form of communism. ” -flashbacks-
Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Cecil Rhodes.: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from That polish guy: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Also Pro-Socialist ” now??? ” On the bright side, most members of that monsterous organization died a painful death at the end of an allied or Soviet rifle. Or heart disease. One of those two. ” Cope harder ” aww is the little dictator that your entire online personality is based on dead and in hell? Poor guy……
Quote from RookOnzo: “I would love to see some small maps made that have some of the biggest battles in WW2. The landing of D Day or even the conflict between the USSR and Finland would be very interesting. You could even call the latter the "Winter War" which sounds badass. What I propose would be a 5 V 5 team match. Having the match start on historical lines with the team stuff already set up would be a joy to play. It would be interesting to see if the historical result would play out or not.…