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War Bonds - New Resource
Carking the 6th - - News
PostPennywise when he meets Quaterignorant:
Quote from BladeFisher: “Quote from BladeFisher: “Quote from Komrade Khrushchev: “Quote from BladeFisher: “No it is not. Israel is behaving like Germany during WWII. Once it stops occupying land that it has no legal right to then it has a case. The US has allowed this war between Israel and the Arab states to go on for decades. It should insist on a two state solution. Insist. Jerusalem could be a Vatican type city open for admin quarters of both Israel and Palestine. But Israel wont have it. It…
5. Ah, yes, Hamas. Hamas is a product of Israel, you do know this, yes? Your own (also undemocratically elected) leader bragged about funding them in their early years. Indeed, in order to destabilize the far more moderate Fatah government, Israel supported the Hamas takeover of Gaza. There is some evidence even in the 90’s during the existence of the old and very racist Hamas Charter. BTW their modern charter calls for the return of the 1967 borders. There is evidence of them wishing for more, …
Quote from jakobskot: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “I am. It’s kinda insane. More regular people who learn about the war are turning against Israel, but the government and this weird diehard Zionist sect does not care about any crime that is committed. You’re lucky to see a politician who says “both sides” let alone isn’t completely for Palestinian genocide. Israel has no right to exist. It’s a white settler colonial state. All its people are European Jews who decided they somehow have the right…
1991 RP
PostQuote from -VIP-: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Not sure if I want to tbh. We will see. Kinda retired from the game already ” ayyy, there he is well you can unretire for an RP old man, if you still think you got it in you. ” Ehh hand me Egypt and we shall see how things go
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “I don’t have an image. But Tanna Tuve once took over all of Siberia from the USSR and was slowly pushing deeper. ” That is a possibility if you can manipulate the Soviet player into withdrawing from SiberiaQuote from Zaktty: “An experienced payer pick the Caucasus on Conflict of Nations - that's pretty cursed, it'd be more so if they won. I've heard of Ireland conquering the UK before. ” I lost to Belgium in HWW once. I was the Netherlan…
1991 RP
PostNot sure if I want to tbh. We will see. Kinda retired from the game already
War Bonds - New Resource
Carking the 6th - - News
PostQuote from Responder01: “@Carking the 6th What are your thoughts? ” If I had anything useful to add I would have added it lmao
Quote from Phillip Bosley: “Quote from BladeFisher: “FAO Mr Bosley. Not sure how good you are at history but just about everyone 'representing' so called oppressed people who take up arms is either a terrorist or freedom fighter. Menachim Begin was part of a terrorist group in Israel that killed British servicemen, went on to be an Israeli PM Nelson Mandela was leader of a terrorist group that murdered civilians in South Africa, went on to be President Martin McGuinness was an IRA terrorist that…
Quote from pod_than: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Issue is that once the US learned to counter them, it didn’t really do much. Honestly it would not affect a war more than say, flying bombs do. Furthermore, Japan only used them out of desperation, China was not breaking and full industry of the United States, 10 times more than their own, was bearing down on them, much of their capacity crushed. It was basically implemented at a point where Japan was already crushed in a war they didn’t have mu…
Well then
PostHonestly there’s little to say. The golden age is over again and the vast majority of the forum population is either gone or extremely inactive. It was inevitable blah blah blah sad blah blah memories. Also interesting, however. There isn’t much to say because only a handful of people are gonna see this, it’ll probably end in the same remark of “oh well” or “it’ll be back” or something. Maybe it’ll include some yapping from Claudio or an interesting remark from Roko. It was a fun time.
Quote from MuhammadQahria: “I made a comment saying I like war bonds and then someone else comes and says they make gold use more often. Then they called my country, Jordan, a shithole and accused me of supporting hamas. ” THEY SAID WHAT ABOUT MY HOMELAND? I know it’s not wise but I must know who it was…