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  • Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Responder01: “"We, the inventors of chess, have made an important change. From now on, we will be removing the bishops and knights from all games! (who ever uses them late game anyway?) Instead, we have decided to give everyone two extra rooks and two extra queens, or one extra rook or three queens. To maintain overall balance, from now rooks and queens move in the opposite patterns to before! With a smaller choice of pieces, this will shake up the game. …

  • Apparently there was a feature like that before where coalition members could reinforce each other and command those units. Nowadays it will be used by cheaters and multi account players to manipulate the map. However we can still use units to defend each other.

  • It's only being tested on Beta currently before it goes live

  • Forum-News-Release Notes Geden explained in detail what they aim to achieve with it.

  • Medium tank is a joke

    Vanrendo - - General Discussions


    Artillery and Attack bombers should have been part of your campaign.

  • Quote from Nostroma: “Quote from DJ Catalyst: “Bigger countries, and the more land captured, bring more resources. So why would you need more war bonds? ” Because this would help players who can't afford to buy more Bytro Teslas? ” Yes War Bonds accommodate players who are not Gold Buyers. Before War Bonds was introduced, conquering territory to get bigger was the aim and should still be even with War Bonds.WB just make it easier/faster for non-Gold Buyers also now.

  • Quote from Caem Paepus: “Quote from Vanrendo: “A player should anyway have to conquer more land to get bigger that is the aim of this game.It has been the aim of the game long before War Bonds was implemented. ” Then why do most countries just sit around and do nothing? ” If you sit around and do nothing you will not win the game. Countries that sit around and do nothing even with War Bonds are not a threat. You get bigger by actually conquering territory.

  • Land Mines

    Vanrendo - - Suggestions / Criticism


    And anti-tank trenches...

  • Quote from Poo Pourri (Yellow): “I didn’t ask for a percent, I asked for a numerical value. ” Ok cool go read the news release notes as I have advised maybe you will get the desired answer...

  • Quote from Caem Paepus: “Hello, I think it would be a good idea if countries that get bigger get to get more daily War Bonds. This would encourage countries to get bigger and conquer more land. What do you think? ” Why should War Bonds encourage players to get their countries bigger and conquer more land? A player should anyway have to conquer more land to get bigger that is the aim of this game.It has been the aim of the game long before War Bonds was implemented.

  • The question you asked has been explained in the news release notes on this can go there and find all the correct information. I believe as a premium member you get an additional 20% war bonds production

  • Flying bombs preferred target is buildings.Bunkers only reduce damage done by units. A lvl 1 bunker was not strong enough to take the damage and protect your infantry against your flying bombs. The amphibious tanks are not buildings and took little damage and therefore survived and captured the city.That's my guess. Flying bombs are not really sufficient against units.I had to use 7 flying bombs to take out a 3 stack of 1 AC and 2 infantry all lvl 1's.

  • Social Credit Log

    Vanrendo - - General Discussions


    @Cecil Rhodes. you still live in Rhodesia/Zimbabwe? Compared now as to the past,yes there are differences between the Ian Smith administration,Mugabe's ZanuPf party and the current government.Every African country that was fully taken over by the Pan African Communists(and Radical Islamist Jihad terrorists)ended up in the gutter. We in South Africa luckily have our GNU-government of national unity now, which should have been the game plan for White Apartheid South Africa and Rhodesia from the st…

  • Best advice I can give you is to go onto the alliance rankings and go through the top alliances that are active and join them. The average alliance,mid-ranking and lower are usually "dead".It does have members but there is no chatting,the members are active daily but there is no communication no alliance matches, you are just part of an alliance. Most players join an alliance but they do nothing there,they just play their own personal games. We had new people that joined us weeks/months ago, I h…

  • Coconuts

    Vanrendo - - Off Topic


    Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Couldn't be me. It's disgusting. ” You should give it a go Claudio especially Vincoco.It is a coconut alcoholic drink.When I was in highschool we got drunk on this because it is so ridiculously cheap

  • Social Credit Log

    Vanrendo - - General Discussions


    Fair enough cherish your heritage,it will stay as a distant memory. At least we Afrikaners have something left of South Africa. I myself do acknowledge our heritage but I am not happy or proud about it(I am referring to the Apartheid era)

  • Ok I understand what you saying about the hospital and the WB. What I meant with the advantage for free players were... before only Gold Buyers could use gold to heal units and free players that had gold from achievements now everyone gets war bonds and yes the same amount.My point was not about the amount of WB,it was that every player (especially free players) have an equal advantage now, it is still not really 100% equal but nonetheless,(free) players can use WB and do things that only Gold B…

  • Quote from FlipDowt1: “I bought gold so I could participate in Operation Payday. Almost immediately, I got to 50 and got the first reward. Then it stopped and I never got anything else even though I played extensively. Is it broken or do you have to keep buying gold to get to the next tier? ” I believe that is what the payday operation is.It is for purchasing gold,as you purchase you get the achievements just as you have to capture new provinces to get the achievements.Every capture gives you po…

  • Social Credit Log

    Vanrendo - - General Discussions


    Quote from Cecil Rhodes.: “"Gulag" is where your family would be sent if it was living in Soviet times due to not being deemed "Бєзопасньім для государства СРСР и довeренньі члєньі партии" ” My good sir, you yourself should not really come here and give opinions. With a profile name as Cecil Rhodes it does not sit comfortable with me as a born South African. Cecil Rhodes expropriated land from black people and tried to overthrow the the Transvaal government with the Jameson Raid which was a fail…

  • Social Credit Log

    Vanrendo - - General Discussions


    I have noticed here on the forum that it is not good to joke about or defend Nazi Concentration camps but it is perfectly OK to joke about, defend and encourage people to "go to the Gulag"...why is that? Yes we all know the history of the Nazis as well as the Soviets(it seems we have people denying Soviet atrocities and only focus on the Nazis) What makes the Soviet atrocities less atrocious than the Nazis?Is it because the Soviets have received less publicity than the Nazis?Is it because the So…