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PostYeah that sounds good except I expect I’d have to take 2-3maybe4,5 game loosing streak. But true I’ve learned more from my defeats. Victories just make my head swell.
We’ll let me just share one recent use that is paying off as I write. I was being scouted by neighbor. Used wb - country info to reveal what factories he has. Status: if that’s what he’s producing and comes at me with im fine. I can continue my build plan and even hope he does attack me
Yeah I will concede on that point.
I have been In business and can testify that change is always necessary. One must keep up with consumer demand. If you stay in the same mode year after year your competition will eventually eat your customer base. P.S. whining is the customers right they do it all the time just like here at Bytro. So grin and bear if it’s not about WB it will SOON be something else.
PostI’ve played a few games where an invasion from one continent to another became necessary. Unfortunately I haven’t had much success. I’m not talking about early game or invading an ai; I’m looking for suggestions that are late game action when the opponent may be expecting me. One very experienced (+200 games) player said that 95% of invasions fail. Well that’s about right for me. Does anyone have any suggestions to help me out with this particular puzzle?
I don’t get it war bonds are just another resource. It’s not gold. Yes it will force some changes to strategy, but that’s war and in cow war games. You can use wb however you want to. If your opponent uses it to outplay you then learn from it. How’s that saying “go don’t put new wine in old bottles”. Seems to me that Bytro is trying to please/ entice people who are not interested (mentally capable and/or lacking discipline) in playing long games. Its modern societies need for instant gratificati…
How about op I’ve seen it as original poster and overpowered