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  • where to play beta game

    Rooklet - - Questions and Answers


    Need to be a frontline member which gets offered randomly. if dont have it wont be able to

  • Come on Devs. War bond balance is still not right its a lot better since day 1. needs more work now you want to bring out another major update in 1-3 weeks which may speed game up as going to just war bond 3 rss up super fast make units faster thus having war quicker. take the fun out of econ building using brain to balance everything. it will be super easy to accumulate rss with 2 2 2 2 or 4 1 1 1 as mentioned it will be. For those on Front line testing it hope you do listen, already lost a lot…

  • Resources Reforged - Test it now on Beta!

    Rooklet - - News


    this game is getting into brainless zombie mode now. can tell drove away a good portion of players as it takes almost 8hrs to fill 4 100P maps

  • War bonds are just making wolf packing that much easier. only way to fix it is increase cost on war bond spy options etc. crazy easy to kill people now. 'even have to try. 0 skill just know when and how to use your bonds enemy is dead if can combine them with friends. The enemy will never be able to do anything. Country size shouldn't mean anything just the costs. fact you can buy more bonds with gold hasn't changed anything given coiners extra coin on top of what will spend. nice idea but a fai…

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Rooklet - - News


    THey are broken i had 167K stoked up seems to be no limit War bonds worst idea ever need major readjustment. eg - i drop 167k that built up over 2 days completely stop enemy making troops. in turn they destroy all air strips making my planes useless. also same round made 2 people quit just war bonding there core to death. Need a rework

  • Ok so this is removing the gold feature for destroy building and reveal army etc. what about spies can they still reveal armies on day change ? not 100% clear

  • mediterranean

    Rooklet - - Questions and Answers


    Lets bring that map back even if its a event i loved map personally

  • Flag packs

    Rooklet - - Questions and Answers


    Long ago i found a pack for call of war. would like more no amount of googling as helped me found where i got the pack i have from anyone have a link or something to spice things up?

  • Somtimes spend all day watching for new game to get country would like start fresh map also get a good start time before any sleep etc. just got to be fast when its at 99/100 start refreshing

  • Spamers

    Rooklet - - Questions and Answers


    very over getting this seems daily now ### 1 - 4/12/24 - 04:04 Hello, I am the Alliance Leader, please add me to my Discord ID: 9wh8 As our alliance communicates here, I will promote you to Elder upon approval, I look forward to hearing from you, please reply

  • My rank is level 1

    Rooklet - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Its almost a weekly bug now

  • Cards

    Rooklet - - Questions and Answers


    Curious, i don't see a option to buy cards? i went looking just as i expected this be a thing, seems not yet, i say not yet i wont be Surprised to see it in the future. Someone thinks you can cant seem to find that option. Just Curious, Expecting some back lash here golder etc etc. Remember game need funds to run. I don't spend $500 to win a round like someone is doing right now i did thank them for giving us hope for new content

  • Hungary 73p map

    Rooklet - - Questions and Answers


    Your over thinking it. doesn't matter what country your friends with, its the player behind the country you want to friend. Eg - Germany has joined 700 games won 0 has kdr of 0.33 they are not good pick to play with probably ditch you. now Poland has joined 158 games won 80 has KDR above 1.0 better pick why most likely to play the round with you Think stats of player no the countrey

  • Ok i think i understand your question. units move across the sea to another land piece? they automatically make transports ships we do not need to make them for them to travel across the water

  • Always double check stats etc never form or join a group for first 48hrs simple rules. this way find your self good place not get stuck with IA players etc always check the Alliance tags there are snakes out there

  • Game wont load on steam

    Rooklet - - Bug Reports and Issues


    @freezy all working on steam now thank you

  • Game wont load on steam

    Rooklet - - Bug Reports and Issues


    I cant load any game in steam will not load, also posted in discussion tab of steam apparently others with same issue. Call of war not loading on steam. On mobile works fine and thru website works fine. Just steam has issues. only annoying for me for steam achievements and i like to see that play time rise my quirks

  • Game wont load on steam

    Rooklet - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Your welcome. ID #5904240 user name - Yeomanwardens

  • Game wont load on steam

    Rooklet - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Yes still happening used to work also tried to update it. something has happened. Deleted removed from steam library still happens. before this i switched to mobile after that didn't work.

  • Game wont load on steam

    Rooklet - - Bug Reports and Issues


    Getting this error on steam, Will work fine on other platforms