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Release Notes - 2024-10-29
Phillip Bosley - - News
PostPlease speak English here.
Please fix the resource spread for Norway in the HWW/ACAI map. I just joined an ACAI as Norway, and the resources are extremely unbalanced. For rural provinces, there are 3 that produce food, 1 produces metal, and 1 produces oil. Since Norway's 2 cities produce food and metal, this means I am producing a surplus of food while barely any oil. If there is a resource that doesn't get city production, then that resource should be the one that has more rural provinces.
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Phillip Bosley: “But, they don't care. Too busy counting their money. ” GET OUT! You need to stop thinking that Bytro count their money 24/7. That's what accountants are for ” With how cheap Bytro/Stillfront is, I doubt they would "waste" money hiring an accountant.
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “Quote from Phillip Bosley: “I have a question - how long did it take you to make that fake changelog? ” about 5 minutes, why? ” So, if it only took a CoW community member 5 minutes to make a fake changelog, then surely it shouldn't take the Bytro developers much longer to make a REAL one.
Quote from freezy: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “So Oil for basically everything, Food a lot and Metal is the least issue. ” As mentioned above that should be alleviated a bit with some coming tweaks, so hope it helps with some of your points.As for the rest regarding marketing, premium account etc: Yes I have read it, not hard to miss since you have probably repeated that at least 5 times now, I even commented on it in another thread So won't comment on it again. ” Some constructive criticism …
Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Actually, I haven't played a game since ” That might be a good thing.
Ok then...…eae60b0508b230f508fd3df76 Some genius at Bytro has the idea that rivers stop and start throughout! What are they thinking? Did they construct imaginary underground tunnels that the rivers flow through? Or miles and miles of piping to conceal the river? Or a large international project to plant bushes and foliage around the rivers so that it forms a land bridge? And I think these ideas are zany, what they are thinking must be 10 times zanier. forum.callof…
Don't you see them on your map?
The title says it all. I find it actually embarassing that the makers of a historic-based, "historically accurate" WW2 game can't even put 50% effort into their new map "updates". My 6-year old grandson could have done a better job at drawing the rivers than the Bytro "developers". How much do these guys get paid again? I have to say, there are bad updates, and then there are just SLOPPY updates. This is sloppy to a T.
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from croatian kid: “whats wrong with it ” Quote from HenrikSchreiber: “Seriously though, this update is TRASH!!! ” It is not an UPdate, but just another DOWNgrade. Again. ” The crazy part about this is that some people actually think that this downgrade actually makes the game better.
Quote from Undaunted: “Quote from Phillip Bosley: “I don't want to leave Call of War, but I am getting REALLY frustrated about the amount of magical actions nowadays. With war bonds, everyone has access to the magic, and if you don't spend them you'll be left behind. That said, I was wondering if the gold/magic factor is historically lower on some maps than others - that is, on what map(s) are gold/magic less of a factor, if any? ” if you are not gold player , you must play the game boring don't…