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  • Quote from OneNutSquirrel: “If there is a friendly Airfield in range of planes which launched from that carrier and are in flight or patrolling at the time the carrier is sunk, they will redirect to the nearest airfield (same as if they were on land). If there are no friendly airfields in range, the planes are destroyed immediately. On land, they would fly back to the Airfield they started from and turn into caravans, and begin combat with the unit/stack which captured the province, ” Unless tho…

  • The Open Bar Chatroom

    Fox-Company - - Off Topic


    If the political talks continue, i'm summoning the mods.

  • Wild.

  • Arty with TD's and Mech Inf are good stacks to have, I wouldn't focus on Infantry since everyone around you will have the same or better infantry level almost guaranteed.

  • The Open Bar Chatroom

    Fox-Company - - Off Topic


    What the goober.

  • Oh my God, what have I missed while I was away.

  • You'll never beat us

    Fox-Company - - Off Topic


    I don't blame him.

  • no post

    Fox-Company - - Questions and Answers



  • Quote from Shikato07: “hey guys how are you :F ” Pretty good, and you?

  • My first II:1919 game was me beating the crap out of everyone, making a friend that had like 100 wins then him leaving the coalition at the last minute, stealing the win

  • It Didn't Happen

    Fox-Company - - General Discussions


    Yapper confirmed?

  • The Open Bar Chatroom

    Fox-Company - - Off Topic


    Quote from Suna232: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Nah, I'd win. ” This guy is a liar Dutch….he lyin….. ” Don't wanna hear it from you ” You’d lose ong ” At? ” A fight ” In? ” A fight. With Russian. Russian would solo. ” IRL? Game? IRL I'd beat em up, hes a skinny boy ” 1v1? ” ?

  • Light Tank Spam....

    Fox-Company - - General Discussions


    Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “LT spam works best in Allies and PanAsian. For Axis, stacks of MT + minf are great as your primary land melee stacks, supplemented by arty and aa ofc. I’ve seen players use this strategy to great effect. I joined a dead Homefront round as Colombia so I can try this strategy out before using it in a WaW. ” LTS is only producing Light Tanks for ground units, then Rockets and Nukes as support units. Its my personal strategy that I used to use.

  • Light Tank Spam....

    Fox-Company - - General Discussions


    Quote from Destructo the Great: “i once conquered 1000 points with light tank spam only ha ” Only 1000?

  • Light Tank Spam....

    Fox-Company - - General Discussions


    Quote from NEPTUNE the great: “This is a bit of a surprising post from fox... ” I have been enlightened... LIGHT TANKS ARE THE BEST UNIT I HAVE COMMITTED HEREASY I MUST USE LTS NOW I MUST REPENT MY SINS

  • The Open Bar Chatroom

    Fox-Company - - Off Topic


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Nah, I'd win. ” This guy is a liar Dutch….he lyin….. ” Don't wanna hear it from you ” You’d lose ong ” At? ” A fight ” In? ” A fight. With Russian. Russian would solo. ” IRL? Game? IRL I'd beat em up, hes a skinny boy

  • Light Tank Spam....

    Fox-Company - - General Discussions


    ITS GOING OUT OF BUSINESS. My K/D when from 0.84 to 1.25 ever since I stopped using it, my last game's K/D was 9.48, and I only made 9 LT's, maybe LTS was the strategy that stopped me from reaching my apex, anyway, I'ma play a Commie LTS round and see how that…84786ef6da2c072fecc3d809b Only thing worse here is the C/L which used to be 2.85, probably because I stopped taking so many losses by hanging on by a thread in every province.

  • Planes that are not refueling or upgrading are considered to be ready for combat, so if, lets say, an Infantry regiment rolls up on the airfield, those planes could scramble up and fight them, most likely killing them, I think what should be done is if more than 1 round of combat takes place, they must refuel before being able to get their ground stats back again.

  • The Open Bar Chatroom

    Fox-Company - - Off Topic


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Fox-Company: “Nah, I'd win. ” This guy is a liar Dutch….he lyin….. ” Don't wanna hear it from you ” You’d lose ong ” At? ” A fight ” In?

  • Quote from Nostroma: “Everyone has their own way of dealing with it. Mine depends on whether the stack is an active or AI player. Active player stacks are tedious and costly to take out. AI's are predictable and easy. Arty to bombard the stack with a stack of TD/AT mixed with inf between your arty and the enemy. At some point the enemy AI stack will break up and some (not all) will advance towards the arty. They will run into your TD/AI/Inf stack. You now have the best defensive damage output. O…