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1991 RP
PostQuote from Komrade Khrushchev: “Nobody is in yet. ” Yeah, by nobody you mean yourself.
1991 RP
PostI didn't write you, but you're there.
1991 RP
PostQuote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “he still didn’t put me as canada so i guess this isn’t happening ” You're there....
Three Comrades
Postthe second one:
Quote from Goliath Coconut: “And they're removing rare materials and goods ” We should have a farewell party. By making nukes of course.
1991 RP
PostAlright, anyone else.
1991 RP
PostNew RP Thread: Here we can discuss ideas about planning the roleplay, including what bloc nations should be in, landgrabbing issues, bloc balancing, etc. I'm going to put down people's names here who want certain nations, although nobody's locked in just yet - everyone has an opportunity to sign up for the nation they want. Major powers, such as Russia, USA, UK, etc. will only be given to trusted community members who have previous RP experience. Western Bloc (NATO): USA* (Captain) - Canada - UK…