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  • Release Notes - 2024-08-20

    turic95 - - News


    However maybe the bytro does not know, but it is not possible to introduce warships into the volga river, I understand that they must always find useless news, but then let’s directly go the ships to the mainland, It might make sense to introduce rivers, but it makes no sense to make the Volga navigable, it would be a non-existent thing [list=1][*] [/list]

  • idk… but i prefer star with motorized infantry and focus on economy at start then i switch to mechanised infantry and medium tanks

  • The Comintern in the hands of an Experienced player is exceptional

  • Which Doctrine is Best?

    turic95 - - General Discussions


    Comintern is the best, cheap units, good economy, great units, King of artillery (best weapon of the game), excellent against those who use gold, you produce and wear out the enemy while they spend and get angry. Easy!

  • I do not agree with this choice for me it is more important to focus first on the cities and then on the rural provinces which you will be forced to do sooner or later anyway Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from turic95: “I honestly don't understand cities are better in resource and manpower production Quote from z00mz00m: “Le mie osservazioni personali, che rispecchiano abbastanza bene il tavolo urbano/rurale. 1. L'industria rurale emerge rapidamente e si ripaga rapidamente. 2. La RC urbana è …

  • I honestly don't understand cities are better in resource and manpower production Quote from z00mz00m: “Le mie osservazioni personali, che rispecchiano abbastanza bene il tavolo urbano/rurale. 1. L'industria rurale emerge rapidamente e si ripaga rapidamente. 2. La RC urbana è più efficiente della RC rurale. Se devi costruirli da qualche parte, meglio costruirli nelle tue città e lasciare che i tuoi rurali costruiscano l'industria. 3. Le fabbriche sono un altro motivo per non costruire subito l'i…

  • I agree 100% even militias are better hiding right now

  • I did this at the beginning of the game in 2015 but there weren't the bonuses that there are now Quote from Fox-Company: “Light Tank Spam, the great underrated strategy, capable of battling most tactics and has no definite anti-tactic, other than itself. The only other unit that will be needed in this tactic is artillery(and sea units if it's a sea map), Practically ANY game is beatable with Light Tank Spam and Artillery, So, its day 1, you pick, lets say, Egypt on a 22 map, you would instantly …

  • Quote from Gen. Smit: “The graph is very good on which you may start first rural or city, I will consider this in a next game, thx for the effort. But it does not settle the issue of city lvl 3 vs level 5 and I am sure the lvl 5 comes out as the winner. you cant let your industries stay at lvl3, impossible that it is more efficient than promoting them to lvl5 ” But sorry, in cities you have an advantage over rural provinces as production, a rural province will never produce as well as a city

  • Quote from scientist223311: “i didn't mean this but bytro surely hate comintern doctrine or rocket artilery spam like a pro player do in Alliance World Cup. ” i think now it's more difficult to spam for everything

  • Quote from Undaunted: “produci unità navali e aeree mentre giochi con la dottrina del comintern al gioco? aerei ?? servono davvero? ” update, i only go cruisers and destroyers, aircraft nothing.

  • Quote from Tolol_aja: “i prefer the regular artilery, some of economical unit can be spammed and will caught up with tactical unit capabilities in large amount of number. in last patch, rocket artilery are nerfed (damage decreased) and starting resource (manpower and rare material) are decreased as well. 11 nov patch is hurt rocket artilery both in economical and tactical this is why i didn't include rocket artilery, they are monster before 11 nov patch. i didn't mean this but bytro surely hate …

  • But honestly i also like comintern

  • but honestly i prefer without doctrine

  • mhh it can be a good idea, my fav is allies because honestly for my lifestyle this is the only doctrine for me, i totaly disagree axis is good but idk i don't think can always going well

  • Quote from z00mz00m: “The most important fact about playing Comintern is that for the first 2-3 days all you need is infantry and artillery, which are excellent and cheap, compared to what others are paying for their units. This means you only need 1 barracks and 1 ordnance factory. You don't have to spend resources on other research OR other factories! That means all your oil, rares, and most of your steel can go into your industry. By the time day 3 rolls around, you'll have a nice economy, an…