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  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Hornetkeeper - - News


    Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Give an example and I will prove you wrong. In anycase (e.g. the case that you cannot provide a valid example) there is nothing you can do more now with WBs, which you could not do with free gold from (at least) surviving games. If you were unable before (for lack of gold = is lack of skill and/or dedication!!) you will still be unable now. ” oh well... suppose you have a plane fight. The enemy golder sabotages your airports and your planes are drawn back to refuel …

  • Quote from BladeFisher: “Another change to war bonds. I do wonder about the complete lack of management here. Let the changes settle down Bytro !!! Constant changes are pathetic. Did they not trial it first ?? Now we are back to gold diggers again. So on day 1 you cant choose a likely invader and see what forces they have ($50,000 no one is going to have that) or survive a massive gold attack (cant heal much units with $5000 bonds). Great Bytro, you sort of solve the gold problem then within a m…

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Hornetkeeper - - News


    Just posting here to say one thing: I very much appreciate that inclusion of more War Bonds in the HighCom benefits. Because HC is a very good and non-disruptive way to "pay for benefit" and donate to Bytro without giving yourself crazy annoying advantages. Though WB is a crazy gold action spammer in itself, it is still so much more civilized to purchase HC than to buy 100,000 gold and suddenly spend it all at the first object of your impatience.

  • I have no idea what connects these bugs which just appeared after the most recent update, so here's precisely what happened: - I noticed my tank army is sitting in enemy A's province where enemy B has an army stationed. But for some reason my army isn't fighting enemy B to capture the province, but just waiting (as if enemy B were a neutral unit) - Then I noticed the province has an airport. Enemy A had planes and I sabotaged his further-back airport, knowing his planes would be forced to refuel…

  • Quote from Delmarva pirate: “Don’t you run short on resources all game long that you can afford another building? ” You should run out of manpower first and have issues finding wways to invest the other resources, especially in late game. Hospitals are an OK idea, but it's another complication which isn't really necessary enough. Let's first fix the most trivial bugs that we STILL have in the game and only then proceed to hospitals... Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Rivers were actually requested a l…

  • The bug I'll describe here has already been reported 2 years ago (see thread Planes attack while retrieving). It is easy to detect/fix and quite stupid, so I'm sad that it hasn't been fixed: When you order planes to direct attack a target, they calculate the travel time to target and then attack when the timer ticks off. This means that if the target (eg. a fast plane) retreats, your planes will still be able to attack it upon reaching its previous location at the time the attack was ordered. If…

  • Social Credit Log

    Hornetkeeper - - General Discussions


    Quote from Cecil Rhodes.: “You know what I mean, as does everyone else ” Pineapple on pizza! You traitor.

  • My stockpile is 9.6k gold. I want to produce armored car with like 30 manpower, so I purchase 99% of it with gold. The gold-buy-button says the cost is 660. I click it, and my stockpile drops to 8.4k. Sadly no screenshots because I couldn't have known this bug would occur before it did. Maybe it's just the server lagging behind and not having my previous purchase subtracted, so when it updated it also counted out my previous purchase. Idk.

  • You've basically invented your own strategy game. Here, we can only make this in future CallofWar 3.0, because the changes are in the fundamentals of gameplay, kindof shifting the game to run on a different basis. What you're suggesting is a complete reboot of the mechanics of CoW. Valid points though

  • Social Credit Log

    Hornetkeeper - - General Discussions


    Quote from Cecil Rhodes.: “You made a slight mistake: he's in Heaven. Still coping huh? ” Thy response is energyless Fire back harder at your opponent with more inventive humor. And you also let CarKing corner you, because you just confirmed that your entire online personality is based on that little dictator. You didn't deny it and referred to it as real (by saying "No, he's in heaven") Now you shall experience universal human rights, conflict-avoidance and other forms of torture we've invented…

  • How Social Credit Works

    Hornetkeeper - - Off Topic


    Quote from That polish guy: “buddy i have been here for 2 years almost and haven’t been banned. That reminds me I need to add something to my bio ” You are a source of impending doom... not even Comrade genz keeps it this subtle and friendly before it explodes I will check on your bio in 1 month to see what kind of unnobleness you have commited

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Hornetkeeper - - News


    Quote from freezy: “yes & yes ” I really wish it wasn't a yes. Quote from Ash Ketchum: “Why would non paying players want to make these restrictions on war bonds ” Quote from Ash Ketchum: “It would make it harder for non paying players to use these actions, which would give them less of advantage against paying players which is the opposite reason war bonds were made. ” Let's get clear on what WarBons do. Originally, the "default" level of gold usage was almost zero. Players would have to active…

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Hornetkeeper - - News


    Quote from freezy: “Meet market standards and today's player expectations (they compare games and nowadays most successful strategy games have good 3d graphics (even now we are still lacking in this department)), make the game attractive to new players again so we can continue to grow the game, enable new graphical features and options which were not possible before, improve usability and controls of the map (Canvas only had 4 fixed zoom stages and felt very restricted and sluggish - to get the …

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Hornetkeeper - - News


    Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “What you are insinuating as that Bytro just does what it does and doesn't care. I hope you also realize that this is not true. ” Do you know anything of the 'Canvas graphics' issue in CoW? Some time ago, Bytro disabled an alternative graphics interface (paper-style map) despite many players being very unhappy about it. No reason was given for why they needed to disable it (or was it? someone like @K.Rokossovski might know better) I can imagine many reasons, like: >>…

  • How Social Credit Works

    Hornetkeeper - - Off Topic


    Quote from Xherdan: “I don’t like Communism. ” Thats likely why you're banned...

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    Hornetkeeper - - News


    Quote from Vanrendo: “By the time this game has reached version 5.0 you will still be here crying about this. ”

  • A Second Chance

    Hornetkeeper - - General Discussions


    Quote from Tim Walast: “He's bad ” Who programmed you to think that Have you ever listened to his speeches? He's just SAFE. He's aware of every sensitive / bad thing and always knows how to be careful & convey his nation's interest in a neutral way. You see what I did there. He's a different form of communism.

  • A Second Chance

    Hornetkeeper - - General Discussions


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “Soviet Communism would solve that trust me 100% ong ” We got Viktor-Orbánism on schedule, no worries

  • A Second Chance

    Hornetkeeper - - General Discussions


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “this is actually the more weird ass world view I have ever seen ” It's not a 'world view'. Just one problem. Remember, at the beginning I was only explaining to you the point of a video, because you said 'this targets Muslims' and I'm telling you 'No, this targets the problem of irresponsible Western immigration policy'. The point only goes that far. Of course I touched on alot of things and shared my opinions, which are not kind at all to women in government. But I'…

  • A Second Chance

    Hornetkeeper - - General Discussions


    Quote from Carking the 6th: “@russ_russ1 is more sane than you istg ” Is that to me? Mildly concerning