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Visual Bug
PostA new idea for operations card units... Amphibious Plane Trucks
PostI believe light armoured units like Mech Infantry,Light Tanks,SP Artillery and SP Anti Air stays as light armoured units even upgraded to the highest level however with sufficient numbers upgraded light armoured units can destroy heavy armoured units.
Servers Down?
PostYesterday the game was a few times unreachable but this morning is fine
Stealth Subs?
PostNaval bombers, Destroyers,Subs...
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Responder01: “"We, the inventors of chess, have made an important change. From now on, we will be removing the bishops and knights from all games! (who ever uses them late game anyway?) Instead, we have decided to give everyone two extra rooks and two extra queens, or one extra rook or three queens. To maintain overall balance, from now rooks and queens move in the opposite patterns to before! With a smaller choice of pieces, this will shake up the game. …
Quote from Nostroma: “Quote from DJ Catalyst: “Bigger countries, and the more land captured, bring more resources. So why would you need more war bonds? ” Because this would help players who can't afford to buy more Bytro Teslas? ” Yes War Bonds accommodate players who are not Gold Buyers. Before War Bonds was introduced, conquering territory to get bigger was the aim and should still be even with War Bonds.WB just make it easier/faster for non-Gold Buyers also now.
Quote from Caem Paepus: “Quote from Vanrendo: “A player should anyway have to conquer more land to get bigger that is the aim of this game.It has been the aim of the game long before War Bonds was implemented. ” Then why do most countries just sit around and do nothing? ” If you sit around and do nothing you will not win the game. Countries that sit around and do nothing even with War Bonds are not a threat. You get bigger by actually conquering territory.
Land Mines
PostAnd anti-tank trenches...