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@freezy Over the years I have read and contributed to a request to have a pay to play option where you would pay gold up front to join the game, and then either no gold or a limit of gold would be allowed in the game. There was a time we could pay up front to have an elite AI, this would be similar. Pay up front to not allow gold. Case in point, below is from the paper of a game I am currently in: 12:28 am Building finished in Panamá: Bunkers. 12:28 am Building finished in Panamá: Naval Base. 12…
Army Bar Update
PostQuote from freezy: “Does anyone else have this problem? Can you perhaps give a list with reproduction steps? ” I have noticed that when moving a stack to join another stack you have to be careful about where you click, otherwise it throws out the move on the stack and selects the new stack. I have seen this multiple times, most recently when trying to join a DD to a carrier group. I will take notes the next time I am in the game. Also when scrolling on the map you want to avoid clicking inside a…
Army Bar Update
Post@freezy It looks like yu guys missed the button for upgrading your units. Unless you can not upgrade while refueling I can not upgrade a level 1 fighter to level 2. I will know for sure in 27 minutes as I have cancelled the future flight path. Unless of course you have either discontinued the feature or moved it somewhere else. It either appeared at end of refuel or I missed it the first three times I looked for it.
Army Bar Update
PostWhen delaying an army to sync its attack time with another group the arrival time no longer shows for the army, and you have to reopen the delay screen to see the time to compare them. I did discover after some trial and error it is best to determine the arrival time of the furthest/slowest unit and then delay the faster nearer one as the arrival time now shows as you are sliding the delay bar. I still wish I could just type in a delay time versus having to input one and then watch a clock to ca…
@freezy Just my 2 cents on K/D and healing. I think the new 1.5 is far more realistic in how it handles casualties versus 1.0. IRL a unit did not merge with another unit in the midst of battle. It fought, and at the end of the battle if it had suffered to many casualties it was pulled back from the front to recuperate and reinforcements were fed in to bring it back up to strength. Hence a need for medics or replacements or some mechanism to help boost unit morale faster, if you want something re…
@freezyHere is what the paper shows, unfortunately it does not tell which units changed sides. Maybe with the game number above it can be traced? small_161.png small_141.png Rebellion in Nikolayevsk-on-Amur. province_revolt2.png The garrison troops of Nikolayevsk-on-Amur have been overpowered in a violent uprising. The crowds proclaimed to join Manchukuo. Spain - Official government communiqué, 00:26 small_166.png small_161.png Rebellion in Nizhniye Kresty. province_revolt8.png The garrison troo…
@freezy Revolts: One of my coalition partners reported 4 cruisers going over to the rebelling province at day change. (Game #3,321,565 with North Ural telling us of his observaton) In the past units had to be in the province center to be eligible for changing sides, and an effective strategy was to keep units out of the province center to avoid loosing units and being able to quickly recapture the province. If his observation is true, it brings up the question of how far a unit needs to be from …
There are so many options on research that it is easy to have something of level one. Depending on the map and what your opponents are doiing, will likely dictate what the higher level priorities are.
Alternatives to the hospital idea that could also be worthwhile (as the hospital is in a fixed location meaniing a lot of time is spent traveling to and from): - Bump unit condition with upgrades - I keep running into manpower problems midgame and consequently do not upgrade units due to the manpower cost associated with it. If I got a 50% bump for my 50% manpower cost it would be very worthwhile to upgrade the unit. Heck even a 25% bump in health for the 50% cost of the upgrade would be worth c…
If your an island nation, industry early is often critical as you will not be capturing much resource early on and need the extra production to meet all your expenditure proiorities, whether that be units, research or province improvements. If you are a continental power you have better options of attacking neighbors and gianing the resources you need that way. As with all things it boils down to the situation and your play style as to what works best for you.
I have had some success with paratroopers in games I have experimented with them in. Several hints to add: - Use TAC and Attack Bombers in conjunction to clear provinces before landing and to protect the paras while they become mobile and reform for another drop - Be sure to have ground units that can get there. Para's have no influence on province morale while they are immobilized. Provinces can rebel very easily. This somewhat limits them to coastal areas and breakthrough operations. - Build i…
Since you are overhauling I really wish you would consider a game option to pay gold up front to have a no gold game. I ran into a player yesterday who claimed to have 2.5 million in gold. Sorry I can not compete with that. So if on a 100 player map you charged 10,000 gold per player to have a no gold game you would sell 1,000,000 in gold for entry fees. I guess the question is what is your average gold expenditure per 100 player game to determine if 10,000 is the right amount to charge. Throw i…
Quote from EZ Dolittle: “BALANCES DESTROYERS VS SUBS In the new balances the destroyers equal the subs in their match up so the Destroyers are say 5.9 vs subs and the subs are 5.9 vs surfaces/ This is not a good match up, at the least the Destroyers should be 20% higher against the subs. When you are equal it does nothing to counter the spawning of mass amounts of subs since the sub stealth is so much work more than the destroyers and the costs for the destroyers is more. I therefore appeal for …
Quote from freezy: “Codewise not that easy to do due to alot of edge cases and intertwined mechanics. Would be certainly nice to fix, but because of the difficulty of the fix and the rare occurence of this situation it is rather low priority. ” A player button for manual conversion might be a lot easier to implement and be a applicable to a lot more situations.
Paratroopers? I landed a paratrooper at an ROW airbase, and did not check the unit stationed there that happened to belong to a third AI that I was declaring war on (they had an ROW also. Both AI's had been in our coalition but went inactive.) Now my paratrooper is on the ground and caught in combat, but is fighting as a plane. In some future update, is it possible to either have the unit automatically convert to a grounded infantry as if it had jumped, or give us a conversion option from air re…
OK, I think I found my answer: This is a Medium tank. The last attack factor is versus subs. (1.0) Attributes Strength against armor class * * * * * * * * * Attacking * 4.5 * 6.5 * 3.5 * * 2.0 * 1.0 * 1.0 * Defending * 3.0 * 4.3 * 2.3 * 0.5 * * * As my sub is dying I have to assume the tank is getting the 1.0 attack factor. Here is my sub: ( I believe the third box "blank" is the medium tank) Attributes Strength against armor class * * * * * * * * * Attacking * * * * * * 6.0 * 2.5 * Defending * …
Today's bugs (reported under bug reports): 1) I received a supply drop in a coalition partners province 2) Set a trade for the supply drop province and when I implemented the trade, no menu pop up of what was received if anything for the supply drop. I even posted a unit there in case a unit in the province was required. 3) A tank landing on Pago Pago was apparently caught by my sub, but now the tank is on land and beating the hell out of my sub, which is not allowed to run away???????? Somethin…