Don't make this racial! No race! The establishment is laying a trap, we should not get too overboard with our statements. Here's an example: Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “ Poor Kamala also thought that comparing Trump with Hitler will win her the election..but.... ”
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “claudio campaign in nutshell: "Be freedom loving uniters among Jewish Arabs and Mexicans!!! Vote Claudio NVKP!!!" ” I'm Claudio and I appove this message. ” You're not helping yourself rn I knew MaFGA was a massive joke ” So you do NOT like unity?
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “claudio campaign in nutshell: "Be freedom loving uniters among Jewish Arabs and Mexicans!!! Vote Claudio NVKP!!!" ” I'm Claudio and I appove this message.
Quote from AleksanderZ: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Like no gold, no boosters. ” Good luck discerning that... ” It's easy, just dont gold. People listened last time... Except for.... But we won't have that problem anymore.
Quote from Bandersnatch: “I don't know, Claudio doesn't seem like a good guy to me. What do you guys think? ” Looks like you got brainwashed by the Fake News, don't worry, I am your retribution.
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “what will you elect yourself for? toilet scrubber? ” Outrageous comment. This fires up the MafGA movement even more. The stand with signs saying 'proud toilet scrubbers' and dress up as them. I too dress up as a toilet scrubber and visit 44 Fairfield St. Jamaica, NY 11435's guest toilet.
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “he received 10 votes, more than you'll ever get ” Oh, in your rigged taffudged election? With no id? My transparent election, he won ONE vote - himself.
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “You're the one who started the drama by overreacting over the results of the Favourite User competition ” Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “It's because @Claudio NVKP is merely a coward and a sore loser ” The person who recieved ONE vote calling US a loser?