Quote from -VIP-: “cuz he is an AI overlord looking to brainwash forum users by the masses into thinking he knows what he is talking about. its all pretty classic Panjim technique if you ask me... ” What? VIP did you watch too much CNN?
Don't make this racial! No race! The establishment is laying a trap, we should not get too overboard with our statements. Here's an example: Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “ Poor Kamala also thought that comparing Trump with Hitler will win her the election..but.... ”
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “claudio campaign in nutshell: "Be freedom loving uniters among Jewish Arabs and Mexicans!!! Vote Claudio NVKP!!!" ” I'm Claudio and I appove this message. ” You're not helping yourself rn I knew MaFGA was a massive joke ” So you do NOT like unity?
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “claudio campaign in nutshell: "Be freedom loving uniters among Jewish Arabs and Mexicans!!! Vote Claudio NVKP!!!" ” I'm Claudio and I appove this message.
Quote from AleksanderZ: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Like no gold, no boosters. ” Good luck discerning that... ” It's easy, just dont gold. People listened last time... Except for.... But we won't have that problem anymore.
Quote from Bandersnatch: “I don't know, Claudio doesn't seem like a good guy to me. What do you guys think? ” Looks like you got brainwashed by the Fake News, don't worry, I am your retribution.
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “what will you elect yourself for? toilet scrubber? ” Outrageous comment. This fires up the MafGA movement even more. The stand with signs saying 'proud toilet scrubbers' and dress up as them. I too dress up as a toilet scrubber and visit 44 Fairfield St. Jamaica, NY 11435's guest toilet.