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Quote from Ryan04px2025: “Hey! I am also a Chinese speaker! I can translate some stuff. I speak cantonese, mandarin, Italian, a bit of French and some others. ” Nice, I already translated the word but thanks
Quote from freezy: “It appears the enemy unit in the picture is from an espionage snapshot, which can be triggered either by spies or by airplanes. For armies of such an espionage snapshot you see the entire movement path, but only from the orders it had at the time of the snapshot. There is no difference between 1.0 and 1.5 in that regard. ” Wait... Espionages can snapshot routes??
Game mode idea
PostI know this might be hard to implement but still, people ocme with various ideas so why not share mine? Here it is: Every time a day passes in-game ALL players get a random country and play with it until the next day change. This repeats until someone wins the game. Features: -Victory points are assigned to players instead of countries *Points a country has doesn't matter and winner is chosen depending on player's points. -No country selection at start *It fits the theme. -100 player map *More f…
PostQuote from Cloudpop2: “Quote from h4zel: “Conquer one ” But if I do it will be none-core and production will be decreased! ” Little oil is better than no oil
PostConquer one
Can't log in
PostIf you are not banned try clearing browser data
Report the player and ignore the rest of his/her messages if they are just gold accusations. Quote from Little Racoon: “... but gold shaming WITHOUT EVIDENCE will backfire... ” I agree with Racoon except for this part. Doesn't matter if the user uses gold or not. It can be very extreme at times but even then you are in no way obligated to play on the same map if it's too extreme usage. Not like extreme usage is on every map and some games can be won without interacting with the gold user. It's j…
Quote from Conquerer74: “I always find that the top countries on 1.5 maps are the countries with comitern doctrine. with all other doctrines i find that i have manpower shortages, but with comitern i have enough resources to research build and upgrade units. Comitern also usually has the largest armies on the map and if you survive a few days, you will find yourself with almost twice as many high-level units as other doctrines like axis. When you get this strong, you will be able to defeat almos…
Army Bar Update
PostQuote from Pinoy: “i feel the new army bar is great. the game doesnt change something just because a few people dislike it. ” The game doesn't change anything even majority dislikes it anyway.
Quote from Ralph the Octopus: “@H4zel..Everyone has a right to voice their opinion and you saying your tired of all the whining..Then take some of your own advice, DONT READ THE FORUM. Now as to the game 1.5. I am not a big fan either the manpower issue the upgrades the doctrine. Not a big fan. ” Sure everyone can voice their opinion, no one is trying to suppress them. Though, what you are saying is like polluting the street then telling people who don't like it to not get out of their homes. Yo…
army bar update
PostQuote from vyliance: “Quote from h4zel: “What's the point of removing it anyway ” uhh removing the "badge" symbol, i assume? ” By "it" I meant the badge symbol, that should be very clear?
army bar update
PostWhat's the point of removing it anyway