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Quote from fleringe: “hey i found that sertian building give 10% bonus from level 1 on goods i did build an road and the province was producing 4790 goods and when the roads where completed an total of 4814 goods i am creating now so can it be cleared out why it only went up for like 0.5 % cause it went up with 24 goods 10 % should be 479 in may opinion ow it also was in call of war and not supramacy 1914 ” The income increases as the road is being built, instead of just at construction's end. Q…
Please watch the caps, it makes reading a bit difficult. I suggest you check the running threads on the nuclear bombers to contribute, but the main reason for the single-use system is that: a) Game balance, repetitive usage of a nuclear bomb with little to no downside would definitely cause a lot of problems. b) You're paying more for the bomb than the bomber, bearing in mind that regular strategic bombers represent squadrons of the units.
Strategic bombers should have higher range than 800km / To beat missile range /Urgent-GameBalance
Post@Bionoman I personally agree with this sentiment, with the strategic bomber ranges coming between 375 and 690 (with the nuclear variants coming to 500 to 900), it would be a convenient buff that would add a bit more functionality for the strategic bombers as a reusable strategic weapon.
Quote from Captgraywolf: “can artillery have the same offensive/defensive Attributes Strength i do still think they should be the same not just giving the offensive the + ” Well, the way it's like that is to simulate the fact that attacking it up close makes it a lot less effective than using it for the intended purpose: bombarding enemies at range. In a similar way to the AT guns and infantry having a lower attack than their defence, showing that they are more effective as defending units than …
Application Format: Name of country you wish to play as: China Name of the leader of your country in 1950: Mao Zedong Have you read all of the rules for this role-play? Yep Do you agree to follow all of the rules for this role-play? Ja Do you agree to be respectful to the people in this role-play and the admins running it? Fo shizzle Will you play in this role-play as often if you can? Affirmative Role-play Example (At least two paragraphs): Disaster at Araracuara The colonial expeditions into t…
Naval Speed
PostI quite like the idea of a speed setting, sort of lets you make a picket line with faster ships for a fleet in hostile waters without having to add something like a battleship (if that's the case, may as well make it a fleet) or a throwaway convoy unit to it. But I wouldn't solely recommend it for convoy escort simply because it would leave the convoy being protected vulnerable to air targets
Tsunderes or Yanderes?
Kalantigos - - Off Topic
PostWhat could be helpful is a definition and a more mainstream example (or going on tvtropes, that works too)
Although currently research is conducted in an all or nothing way, it would be interesting if it was pausable, giving more of a strategic flexibility without just ditching the time and resources it got to the stage at. If the timer then used a points system to keep track of progress (which I think it does, but unsure), you could put in place some sort of mechanism that would give a couple of 'points' from the captured capital's nation spread out through your tech tree, simulating segments of inf…
Quote from Sir McSquiggles: “Quote from Kalantigos: “Kalantigos Team... whichever has my EN buddies, I think it's 2 South Africa ” It depends on what buddies you mean I am on team 1, Wild is on team 2, WarriorBullDog is on team 3. I put you as Team 2, but you can switch if you want. ” Ha, in that case bunk me in team 1
Kalantigos Team... whichever has my EN buddies, I think it's 2 South Africa
Freshly strengthened
Kalantigos - - News
PostPhew, that messaging bug. Very awkward in-game.