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light tanks
PostDepending on doctrine and planned usage, but usually they are replaced with AC (armored car) for zerg strats with planes, and by med tanks/ mot inf/AC with fast stacks strat. OK early game unit though
stats update
PostStats display is currently bugged. If you press F5 few times it should be fixed for you, Bytro did announcement that they are migrating their databases and this should fix this problem. Here's a mod saying this on forum Achievement statistics NOT added
To overcome that you can spam f5 in your browser untill your rank displays propperly. It's a problem for a few months already, so i hope they will fix it soon. Usually at summer there is a spike of players that are looking for game to kill their time over the break, so my guess is they are in hurry to fix it before that happens
This is usually not a good choice for starting players, as they often forget about their second game, especially on mobile. But if you get some experience one small map is usually not enough for you, so you can play few simultaneously, or one tournament game where the level of play is higher. Some even play 2 tournament games at once
You can also hoover over your land on patrol, they don't need to land on it Edit: You actually can't heal planes while they are starting from aircraft carrier, so to answer your question: They need to start from a land airbase, and be over your own teritory on daychange. Not sure if allied airbases work, did check only with my own.
it was correct untill the end of december, I've used it to catch up to enemy troops on one map back then, but since then the game was updated a bit, and also the engine was ported to supremacy 1914 and then their bugfixes were ported back to CoW with some other improvements, and I had no time to do research on what was fixed and what was left out
From the RTS approach, commies are the perfect zerg doctrine. They can produce a lot of units quick and cheap. I once produced 100 ints lvl 1 and upgraded them to 5 quickly, other time a guy had 10 stacks of 5 cars + 5 light tanks. If he weren't against a skilled player he would stomp the game. In CoW all doctrines have a counter, at least at some point of the game (there is 1 strat that has none, but it's hard to get)
hello, that might be because you are fresh alliance with no established renown. Also stating some basic rules in your request would be nice, like gold/no gold allowed (usually no gold for avas), number of players per team, peace against AI and between players etc. U can also state if you are experienced players or just freshly started, so teams can decide on fielding the recruits or weteran players. oh, and also Christmas incoming
To my knowledge there is no such thing, especially now, that bytro got aliases working. The closest workaround is that in alliance there may be max 20 players. If you spot 2 ppl from the same alliance, you can look at their alliance members, and put their nicknames in the gamesearch bar. This will reveal all the maps they are playing on the language server, which means you can check if they are on yours too