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Postlooking forward to this!
That's why you play the 100-player world map. More players = more active players. Not historical = less RP newspaper spamming This game isn't really built for historical maps.
Deader than ever
PostQuote from Pablo22510: “Anyways, if anyone is an active member of this forum and wants to play or smth, please dm me. I see that there's a couple of people that picked up the mantle of the old Forum Gang, like @Karl von Krass, @RBoi200, @jefin b and @GrandEmpire, but they seem to be gone too. Anyways, let's try and revive this one last time. ” First mention in a while
Quote from Zazmio: “And I've played quite a lot of different games on the internet. Sure, they all have inactive players, but not on the scale of Call of War. ” I think the difference is that Call of War often lasts for 30+ days, while other games might just last for a few minutes. Most players just get bored after a few days. I would say 50 - 70% of players go inactive after Day 3, which shows that being bored is a bigger cause of inactivity than "rank spam". I don't think it's worth changing t…
add a hospital
PostQuote from K.Rokossovski: “hospital threads: +1 ” Now up to 380...
Personally, I have not experienced the transaction glitch, but I have experienced the mobile ads glitch. When I watch the ad the first time, it adds the gold to my account, but it will not let me progress to the next "tier" and will instead force me to watch a second ad in order to progress. Don't know if this is by design, but hope the devs can fix this!
Quote from jefin b: “hmm, its quiet in here.... ” The bar went out of business, I guess...
Sea Mines
PostI agree with @Donk2.0. To implement this, you would have to determine territorial waters, and what parts of the ocean belong to what nation. You shouldn't be able to place sea mines halfway around the world right on your enemy's coast.
PostQuote from Claudio NVKP: “How is it different? ” It only has a different name.
Quote from whowh: “Pics plz? ” Since you don't want to go through the extra step of clicking a link, here you go: Split Florida: C34-D7966-DFBB-4-FEF-8-AD9-ECACEEF0-D4-C0.jpg Coalition VPs: FA95-C4-B9-E751-477-F-AF3-E-75-DC4-A6-C2-F4-E.jpg First Major War: D84-BB944-3893-4225-A69-E-C449349-B859-E.jpg Ohio Casualites: B8-B85-DB4-E8-A6-460-E-9916-58-E94407-BBD2.png
Vive le Empire!!!!
PostQuote from whowh: “@RBoi200 you are head of the north african front ” Do I still have my job?
Quote from wilson10: “I just joined match and like 70% appeared to be actual players, but their score was like 5. There's no way it was a coincidence. So what percentage of call of war players are actual humans? ” There are a lot of CoW players who just join a round and quit, or play for 5 min and get bored, though I can assure you they are real humans.