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Hello people of the Call of War forums. I doubt there are many of you left, let alone any that will care for my message. On the off chance there is somebody, anybody out there, who could find the effort to genuinely care. I am leaving. There is no return to how things used to be, there is no hope. This is the end. On my wall, I recently expressed my fear of being homeless. That was more of an overreaction. Odd's are I'll still have some place to live, even if that means sleeping in the back of a…
Look, I don't mean to be "That guy". But I think giving Russia to Zhukov isn't exactly a genius idea. In the first place, the teams are obviously not full, meaning they are not balanced. If you put someone as good as him on the strongest nation, then there isn't really a point in bothering to balance in the first place. And to be honest, bear in mind I mean no offence in saying this. The RP that I have seen from Zhukov was rather lacklustre. In the 1936 or whatever it was, he didn't exactly have…
Forum Memes
PostSit down AI…0c7c95db56a6bddada5736075
Forum Members Game
PostI hear Poland is nice this time of year.
Quote from Yahooooo: “Quote from General Freiheit: “LIST OF COUNTRIES AVAILABLE: MEXICO PERU ARGENTINA INDIA POLAND TIBET MANCHUKUO PERSIA XIJIANG MONGOLIA TURKEY ” Can I choose Poland? (Sorry For Bad Grammar) ” Sorry to burst your bubble. But this thread was made over 2 years ago. Let alone the fact the game never happened.
Forum Memes
PostYou just repeatedly move forward then sit still.
Forum Memes
I genuinely and wholeheartedly agree with Carking. Not only do I deem him mentally incapable, I believe having a player that is not him would be beneficial to an idea I've got. I have a rather intricate plan on what to do that I seriously doubt his capability to play a role in. All offense is intended.