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  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    WolverineM1076 - - News


    Limiting purple gold is a step in the right direction. When the limits of purple gold and booster cards is set to ZERO, I might be tempted to return to Call of War.

  • "Hardly. In over >60 games played and I have only run into 2 mass golders. There’s hardly been any change in the game over the past few months when war bonds were introduced. How about we all stop pretending gold and war bonds are a big issue?" Exactly! Before boosters and purple gold, it was rare to run into players spamming units relentlessly and healing units to 100% health with the click of a button. Now with the boosters and purple gold, this is happening in EVERY game. It is very clear gam…

  • Well said Carking. I have been playing this game for 5 years or so, and had a wonderful time with many great teammates. This was a FANTASTIC game when strategy and game planning was needed to be successful. Thank you Bytro for providing us this wonderful experience over the years. Unfortunately, the magic and witchcraft of War Bonds/Gold/Boosters have ruined this game for me and I have just finished my last game. Maybe I'll check in from time to time to see if things have changed...that is if By…

  • Quote from polixenes: “As a boomerang player who keeps quitting "for good" (fed up of gold as a resource) and then coming back again a few months later (because the game COULD be great), I rejoined recently and got slapped in the face with the war bond situation - I was unaware of it until returning on a whim. So now everyone uses mana whether or not they paid or watched adverts for it. And it's use it or lose it since WBs don't carry on from game to game. Bytro won't miss me when I leave for th…

  • Lack of traditional resources will increase demand for purple gold. Increased demand for purple gold can lead to more traditional gold usage/boosters to compensate for missing resources...which equals more income for Bytro. Sadly, this is no longer a game of strategy and game planning, but has become a game filled with magic and witchcraft thru purple gold/traditional gold/boosters.

  • Lets just be honest. The sole purpose of limiting traditional resources is to force dependance on Call of War's newest resource....Purple Gold!! This change has nothing to do with improving gameplay and everything to do with improving profits thru increased use of purple gold/traditional gold/boosters. Really can't blame Bytro as we understand Bytro needs to be profitable, but sadly many of the "old guard" will be leaving this game (and maybe that is part of the intent also). The days of using s…

  • Hmmmm...eliminate real resources so players need to rely on fake resources ie...purple gold. The end of a once great strategy game is here. I would pay an entry fee to play Call of War games where there is a very limited, equal balance of purple gold/gold/boosters available to all entrants. (once balance is depleted it's gone and does not replenish).

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    WolverineM1076 - - News


    Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “'Loving warbonds' equals 'lacking skill'. Magic and Mana do not belong in a strategy game. Gold was enough magic and mana already, but the nuissance was limited to few out of many games and mostly only big maps. 75-80% of maps you were not bothered by heavy golders. Therefore gold was not really a problem and that 1 game it was, well, that financed Bytro and our game. Ergo, that was not a problem. Warbonds, however, are an entirely other thing. Now the nuissance of …

  • It has become very clear the direction Bytro has chosen. The achilles heal of this once great game has always been "gold actions", and with the introduction of purple mean war bonds, the focus is no longer on strategy, game planning and skill. The "gold actions" have increased substantially in every game now. This is no longer a strategy game, but has become "lets see who can use more gold actions" thru war bonds and gold itself. I've enjoyed this game for many years and I thank By…

  • Quote from BladeFisher: “How on earth has it made the gold thing worse. Has improved it in my book. War bonds = massive improvement, suppresses buying gold. ” War Bonds are nothing more than purple colored yes, war bonds have increased the use of "gold" actions in every game. Who needs strategy and game planning anymore? War bonds have indeed made the gold thing worse, in fact it is now required to use "gold" actions to succeed. Sad day, cuz this was a great game to play, but war bonds…

  • In reality manpower is not a tradable commodity, therefore should not be tradable in the game. To be successful, ALL core urban and non-resource producing provinces need to have recruitment centers maxed out at some point in the game.

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    WolverineM1076 - - News


    Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “See below a blast from the past (2019) in reply to a gold discussion. Do note that the solutions provided DO NOT apply anymore in the WB-situation. Thát is what people are complaining about and if anyone does not see that difference, the conclusion can only be that you are not (yet) a good player: >>> Dec 1st 2019 You wrote on the forum: "It (gold) is ruining the game as a legitimate wargame" However, gold is not ruining the game. It is actually enabling the game. W…

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    WolverineM1076 - - News


    Quote from RedSlayer44: “I swear. You players complain about gold use, then when Bytro makes a feature to limit gold use, you complain about that. You can never be satisfied! ” War Bonds are nothing more than gold in diguise, which means the actual use of "gold" features will now increase in every game. Not good for the game at all, strategy, game planning, gamesmanship just became less important and pay to win is now the norm...but good for business I suppose. This is a great game, but is being…

  • Are there not enough experienced players willing to pay an entry fee to join games with NO gold/war bonds/boosters? The other option is to cap the gold usage/war bonds where eveyone has the same amount (not some outrageous amount but very limited so strategy becomes important in how it is used). Games with no gold/war bonds/boosters (lets say 20k gold to join or whatever is decided) would solve all the arguments of who's using gold and who isn't...and the games would be fair for all!! War Bonds …

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    WolverineM1076 - - News


    War Bonds are just gold in disguise...a terrible change to the game!!! Strategy, Tactics and game planning are ruined by gold and war bonds. I would much rather pay a fee (or gold) to join games with NO gold/boosters/war bonds. I believe my days are numbered here because this game has simply become pay to win, absolutetly no gamesmanship involved anymore.

  • 4x speed games are my favorite! However I think a speed game in Historic World War would further penalize the weaker starting least by 4x...and make it impossible to have any chance against the stronger starting nations.

  • Totally agree this games biggest flaw is Gold and Boosters. Simply takes all the fun of strategy/planning/gamesmanship out of the game. I would glady pay a fee (or gold) to enter a game where there is NO gold/boosters available.

  • Release Notes - 2024-05-28

    WolverineM1076 - - News


    Superb Update! Instant Reveal all Armies by use of gold has no place in this game. It destroys any strategy, planning and gamesmanship used by players who prefer to earn a victory over buying a victory.

  • Removing "instant" Reveal all Armies by use of gold one of the best updates ever! It should never reappear.