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Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from GeneralJames: “I follow the will of the People. Most people I have talked to 1). Don't GAF or 2). Are against his presidency. I would also not call you neutral, as you have taken sides in the election drama. ” I'm not neutral but point out a single thing in this thread which is biased against you? Let us agree and move on! ” its biased against the neutral voters..
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Maybe it would be a good idea to have religious factions after all ” Time to combat secularismQuote from -VIP-: “:| they are evolving... certainly that was misspelt on purpose to throw us off the Claudio AI trail. but we are smarter than they think!!..... surely ” You're acting just like MaFGA: "oOh A pIeCe Of NoN-eViDeNcE!1!!11!!111!!! wE'lL sAy It'S eViDeNcE aNd MaKe ThE fDs LoOk BaD!!11!!!…
New Elections?
Postyou think i dont know who Goliath Coconut is? there is a reason he was chosen, and this is separate from CoW, a whole other arena, were... together... Iron Monkey and Coconut Cult will reign supreme
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Maybe it would be a good idea to have religious factions after all ” Time to combat secularism Quote from -VIP-: “:| they are evolving... certainly that was misspelt on purpose to throw us off the Claudio AI trail. but we are smarter than they think!!..... surely ” You're acting just like MaFGA: "oOh A pIeCe Of NoN-eViDeNcE!1!!11!!111!!! wE'lL sAy It'S eViDeNcE aNd MaKe ThE fDs LoOk BaD!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1" ” is that a quote from somebod…
New Elections?
New Elections?
New Elections?
PostQuote from Goliath Coconut: “Definitely make coconut president ” nope, you are in my political party already , Speaker of the House, with the coconut cult behind us the election will certainly be a landslide muahahahah!
Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Policies I would support: - Boycotting Bytro is necessary - Shutting down the corrupt Bytro control in the subreddit (Yes, they deleted many hate posts.) - Forcing Bytro to get rid of war bonds, cards BS. - Getting back rare materials and goods. - Getting rid of the unfair moderation - Make chat rules less strict - Make chat free again - Promote the NATIONALIST COCONUT UNION and THE COCONUT CULT (Both in Call of War) - Promote Christianity - End the p2w bullshit…
Quote from GeneralJames: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “@GeneralJames you claim you started with COW when you were 11yrs old. How come then, that you are still 11? And though it is an entirely different subject: how can an 11 yr old run for a fantasy office position in fake-elections? Oh wait... that is possible of course, bc 11 yr olds don't live in reality yet. It is all a fantasy! The reality is: The opposition in the only true elections conceided to your Enlightend Leader's landslide victory…
Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “@-VIP- please stop supoprting mafga ” haha how have i been supoprting them? if thats a wordi endorsed Taffudge but i didnt vote for anyone... now you all lose, with the Iron Monkey Party entering the contest ” you like their posts ” you are sorely mistaken, Claudio is an AI (Artificially Intelligent) overlord, who must be stopped, if you think i am bribed than that is classified... and also wrong.....surely
Election Concession
PostQuote from AnonymeggABC1234: “@Macedonia97 and @Zog of Albania have no idea what's going on ” they are the same person,