Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “@TMC2 @TMC3 Is that the person in question? ” @The Mister Class was his main account that got banned (and is now unbanned) @TMC2 was the account he used to apologize a while back, we did not accept his apology and he left the forum
Final Candidates: - @AnonymeggABC1234 (running mate @Bandersnatch) - @Claudio NVKP (running mate @vonlettowvorbeck, this is unconfirmed) - @Macedonia97 (running mate @Zog of Albania) - @Taffyta Muttonfudge (running mate @General Sherman) Voting will be available shortly.
This is a reminder to all interested parties that, to be eligible for the January forum elections, you have to register here: January 2025 Forum Snap Elections - Registering Remember, you need a running mate! Election opens in 12 hours.
Quote from Phillip Bosley: “@Komrade Khrushchev What do you know about democracy, you dictator? ” At least my country didn't shelter axis ships during ww2
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Komrade Khrushchev: “Quote from Chromakopia: “There's like a dozen fires by now, its crazy! ” What are you talking about? ” Taffyta made a joke about the LA fires when Claudio fired her ” LA fires? What's that?