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Happy Holidays - From Bytro
VonEchoWolf - - News
PostQuote from freezy: “Actually we realized that there are some problems with it, unfortunately. Seems mobile users see no button to trigger the verification email, and it's also a bit sub-par that chat isn't visible in read-only mode when not veryfied. So it is currently being discussed if the verification gets disabled again until this is properly fixed. ” Sounds good. Hopefully we can detrollify the chat!
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
VonEchoWolf - - News
PostFor me, I would be better off if we just returned to the previous state of the game (ie, before war bonds), because I think war bonds are unnecessary and totally realistic. For me, I would prefer to encounter a mass golder (and lose a game unfairly) every once in a while, over constant artificial gold actions every game. This cap will only exacerbate that, encouraging players to spend more war bonds more often. I think that they should just remove the war bonds entirely and go back to the old go…
Release Notes - 2024-12-17
VonEchoWolf - - News
PostPlease stop making insults about other countries
Release Notes - 2024-12-17
VonEchoWolf - - News
PostThat wasn't a particularly nice thing to say
Release Notes - 2024-12-17
VonEchoWolf - - News
PostQuote from Spica: “Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “Quote from Spica: “Hi, I recently was able to get lots of booster cards, is that a mistake? ” Not if you join a "tutorial" round. ” How do I know which rounds are tutorials? ” I can't tell
Release Notes - 2024-12-17
VonEchoWolf - - News
PostThe booster button is missing for me. Is this the case for everyone?
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from VonEchoWolf: “Is the new update somehow connected with the server outages that have been happening over the past week? ” It would seem so :)) But maybe they are both an indicator of another problem: - dumbification in favor of P2W => need more money? - lag issues => not able to afford the servers => need more money? When you check Stillfront, one really starts to worry. ” How could they not afford to pay for the servers, with all the gold people buy.