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What is going on?
PostNope. They never have. And they never will.
What is going on?
PostOk and what are the forum establishment and what is Mafga? And honestly Vonlettowrovceck probably should have been banned.
Los Angeles
Postoops didn't mean to respond to this
What is going on?
PostCould someone, very simply, explain what the whole election drama is? Preferably @K.Rokossovski because I trust you but also @Claudio NVKP because you seem to be the centre of the chaos and maybe someone from the so-called "establishment". (what is that btw?) Oh @Joe Bartolozzi; you ran this whole thing?
Quote from Ciro702: “more than 400 pages worth of more lore. I gotta read. ” TLDR; my arguing caused this but now it's just a free thread filled with random stuff
PostOnly issue is not a lot of player fighting, but I think I'm going to go with that one. Expect sometime within the next 1 day to four months
PostI like either Ghengis Khan 2.0 or a hyper aggressive Argentina obsessed with the Falklands
Turns out I won. No photos available unfortunately. From my memory, I bulldozed through asia, going for the solo win. I reached the baltic coast and there were three players left: me, Brazil, and Sweden. Sweden hadn't attacked anyone the whole game, so I thought just a semi-inactive. Woke up one morning to see the army from hell unleashed. Quickly learned Sweden was a hard-core golder who had been waiting for me to expand too much and steal my land. I vastly outplayed them in terms of casualties…
PostGoing to just tag a bunch of people here. @Carking the 6th @Karl von Krass @Zaktty @RBoi200 @jefin b @BrutusTrump @GrandEmpire @Soviet onion republic @Suna232 @Hornetkeeper @Z. Sakki @K.Rokossovski @Lady Aragosta @Talvisota @Donk2.0 @NEPTUNE the great @stardragon225 @Nova0213 @Komrade Khrushchev @Taffyta Muttonfudge Copied the list from an old post so probably just a bunch of inactives.
PostCmon everyone say something. Which country? HWW still?
Welcome back, whowh!
PostThank you! I think I'm going to go back into hibernation soon. Maybe playthrough in a few or over the summer. I heard wacky stuff happened to the game so I'm curious to find out what.
Forum Revival Time!
PostWhat's the all time high?
PostShould I do a playthrough? My previous ones are in the signature. Poll will end next week.