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Cowardly Latvia
Quote from Claudio NVKP: “"USF! USF! USF! USF!" Thank you, Thank you. Today is a big, beautiful day. Some say it's the best in the world. It is the day the deepstate surrendered it's tyrannical war on democracy, for the best. And recognizes me, your President, as the savior of democracy. And Jimmy, "boo booo" you're FIRED! Fired, get outta here! The Golden Age of the forums continue. And today, we announce that the Spanish server is going to be renamed - The Server of the Forums. And if we take …
Quote from General Sherman: “Egg said he's coptic several times now, I don't know why that's still a surprise to you ” They think I'm @Coptic Surprise Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “I thought multi accounting was bannable? When will Mr.Egg be banned for his second account??? ” Never, because it doesn't exist
Quote from Claudio NVKP: “We win, we never lose! You think the deepstate cares about fairness, they won't reply! ” I agree with Joe Your new nickname is Mr Legitimate and Universally-Recognised President
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “... ” lmao... i told you to tone it down a bit... now look what happens ” Y'all are lucky to not get banned after calling him a nazi because of his name. ” never called anyone nazi and never commented on his name... have you seen the comments he made to me and others? ” That was @General Sherman
Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Maybe it would be a good idea to have religious factions after all ” Time to combat secularismQuote from -VIP-: “:| they are evolving... certainly that was misspelt on purpose to throw us off the Claudio AI trail. but we are smarter than they think!!..... surely ” You're acting just like MaFGA: "oOh A pIeCe Of NoN-eViDeNcE!1!!11!!111!!! wE'lL sAy It'S eViDeNcE aNd MaKe ThE fDs LoOk BaD!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1" ” also wornt…
Quote from Bandersnatch: “Maybe it would be a good idea to have religious factions after all ” Time to combat secularism Quote from -VIP-: “:| they are evolving... certainly that was misspelt on purpose to throw us off the Claudio AI trail. but we are smarter than they think!!..... surely ” You're acting just like MaFGA: "oOh A pIeCe Of NoN-eViDeNcE!1!!11!!111!!! wE'lL sAy It'S eViDeNcE aNd MaKe ThE fDs LoOk BaD!!11!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!1"
Quote from Commannder French: “Hi, King Ivan invited me to try using the forum, I'm a very good friend of his and am in his alliance that is very similar and has elections and stuff like this I think he told you about it, can you explain to me a bit of what's happening and some stuff about the forum? I vote for you for president by the way. ” There was a controversy after @Taffyta Muttonfudge's Favourite User 2024 competition