Quote from hilo8: “Honestly my game strategy is somewhat unorthodox compared to many posts here. In the early game, I like to spam: 1. commandoes 2. Motor Infantry 3. Rocket/normal artillery 4. Battleships along with a limited amount of 1. Tac Bombers 2. interceptors 3. light tanks 4.armored cars. Depending on the terrain and location I am fighting. In the mid end game i retain my commando and motor infantry force but I begin to move towards sp artillery and spaa , interceptors, carriers and cru…
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Build 3 Tank Plants and 2 Barracks at the start, then research Infantry and ACs ” What do I produce once I’ve researched light tanks and infantry?
I’ve just started playing CoW again after taking a long break (I stopped playing after rare materials were removed) and, seeing that my old strategy doesn’t work anymore for early games, I’m needing new strategies for new games. I want details, like what to build and when to start leveling up.(This is just an example) Starter research would help as well, I start with infantry and armored cars when I log into a game. I also specifically want to know how to quickly start producing a bunch of armie…
On this day December 7th, 1941 a day which will life in infamy, Japanese airplanes struck pear harbor Hawaii, we shall remember the people killed in the attack. They will always be remembered! Please pay your respects on this wall, and give respects to the veterans.
Quote from Husnain11221: “Everyone has its own heros in the game and favorite characters and vehicles. It is a personal choice, no one should ever offend of it... ” Did bro get banned for saying that?
Quote from croatian kid: “in news update it said you can play with update in beta games, but where can i find that? ” You have to be a frontline pioneer to play the beta games, you get it randomly so you can't play it, even I don't have frontline pioneer yet which I wish I do.