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you do not need to Balancing changes to alleviate Oil shortages just restore deleted resources
PostI sorry I misread your membership date. I Sorry, but you're avoiding the conversation about the main topic of this post, and my game has nothing to do with it. The topic is the new update and the removal of resources that changed the entire balance of the game, so please address it. I personally don't see any advantages of introducing this update, and I rather see its disadvantages and I am not convinced by the creators' arguments that the game is gaining new, better economic and strategic depth…
PostQuote from Undaunted: “tactical bomber 4.1k food ?? I looked with pan asian doctrine level 7 tactical bomber need 3.8k food and 2.3k oil and you need to reach 22th day to have them , maybe you should start to think about why you have only 4774 hourly food production after 20 days from beginning ???? as I said at previous message I had a 11k food production at 12th day with an island country , now you get supply boxes only for 3 resource not for 5 so it increases your chance to produce new units …
Postas I understand everything you said confirms that removing resources caused poor optimization regarding types of doctrines. Previously the game was improved and optimized for 7 resources for years, which is why it reached the optimum and to achieve the same now again it takes more time. I consulted the situation with other players on the maps and most of them think that the current changes simplify the game too much and are a step in the wrong direction. In my current game, building just one tac…
I think that a radar should be introduced to the game to detect aircraft units from a distance of 170 km at the beginning, then modernized to 300 km after the war. I think that the game lacks coastal defense units that would match the strength of battleships, i.e. the introduction of coastal artillery that would be a strongly fortified, immobile unit or a building with a firing range the same as in battleships (because they could be the same guns as in battleships, but developed separately or no…
I think that a radar should be introduced to the game to detect aircraft units from a distance of 170 km at the beginning, then modernized to 300 km after the war. I think that the game lacks coastal defense units that would match the strength of battleships, i.e. the introduction of coastal artillery that would be a strongly fortified, immobile unit or a building with a firing range the same as in battleships (because they could be the same guns as in battleships, but developed separately or no…
PostQuote from Undaunted: “Quote from Maximusus: “Please restore deleted resources because new game concept is wrong. The latest changes have caused the game to lose its strategic and economic depth, which was caused by the diversity of raw materials. Now you can't build a plane without food, what a joke (Is an airplane made of food and burns fuel or made of fuel and burns food?). I suggest that you should not only restore the removed raw materials, but go a step further and try to add those present…
PostPlease restore deleted resources because new game concept is wrong. The latest changes have caused the game to lose its strategic and economic depth, which was caused by the diversity of raw materials. Now you can't build a plane without food, what a joke (Is an airplane made of food and burns fuel or made of fuel and burns food?). I suggest that you should not only restore the removed raw materials, but go a step further and try to add those present in Supremacy 1914, such as coal, which would …
Please restore deleted resources because new game concept is wrong. The latest changes have caused the game to lose its strategic and economic depth, which was caused by the diversity of raw materials. Now you can't build a plane without food, what a joke (Is an airplane made of food and burns fuel or made of fuel and burns food?). I suggest that you should not only restore the removed raw materials, but go a step further and try to add those present in Supremacy 1914, such as coal, which would …