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The Forumpocalypse
PostIt isn't as it is Beta, so making Beta primary when it could be updated and changed wouldn't be good to place as primary. I am sure down the line it could be the new outlook if they can get it working as intended.
The Forumpocalypse
PostThis is what the beta client does not sure who all has access to it.
PostNo need to post more than one time on this issue the answer is in your other thread I am closing this one.
The Forumpocalypse
PostOkay, just an update on what they tried last week working in a small group but when applied didn't work so we are still working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, I and others are trying to get these threads off the site as quickly as possible.
The Forumpocalypse
PostJust an update today they are going to work on the forums to try and resolve this issue.
The Forumpocalypse
PostThis was added and then changed a bit to try to make it more effective, we may have to look at limiting new forum accounts to approval or something like that.
The Forumpocalypse
PostThey are thinking of adding approved posts to see if that will lessen the amount of spam advertising.
The Forumpocalypse
PostWe are working to address this issue as of this post I have been checking all the areas on the forums and getting rid of those accounts I find. We have added another process to hopefully slow them down.
Please address this with a support ticket or a bug report from your game and one of the Game Operators can investigate.
PostWe are aware of this issue and are working diligently to get it under control.
Quote from Dangerous77: “hi, how are you. I am having issues with trying to find my account. All of the sudden i got logged out yesterday and cannot recover the game. ” This is what it seems like you made a new account by mistake. If you have created a new account accidentally please follow these steps. If you need help or clarification please reply. 1)First step is to check if you remember your login name and password. You can do this by visiting in any browser (A private or incog…