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-…35d5e5e981f2744236e2cd171 Who's a better uniter? Some say he's the best uniter in the world. Who else can unite the Divided States of America, except The Don himself? We start in Mississippi - The Base, Ultra MAGA, The South, Borders the Gulf of AMERICA!…35d5e5e981f2744236e2cd171 We're gotta act smart okay, play very smart. Smarter than everywhere in the world. The deep south folks - they love me okay? We gotta unite them first. Alaba…
"USF! USF! USF! USF!" Thank you, Thank you. Today is a big, beautiful day. Some say it's the best in the world. It is the day the deepstate surrendered it's tyrannical war on democracy, for the best. And recognizes me, your President, as the savior of democracy. And Jimmy, "boo booo" you're FIRED! Fired, get outta here! The Golden Age of the forums continue. And today, we announce that the Spanish server is going to be renamed - The Server of the Forums. And if we take a look- Haha, you'd though…
Quote from whowh: “Could someone, very simply, explain what the whole election drama is? Preferably @K.Rokossovski because I trust you but also @Claudio NVKP because you seem to be the centre of the chaos and maybe someone from the so-called "establishment". (what is that btw?) Oh @Joe Bartolozzi; you ran this whole thing? ” nothing serious... just having fun. although some don't get it. Freedom and Democracy, that's what is happening! We stood up to the establishment and I, won a second term in…
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “@p.von.lettow-vorbeck is very similar to @vonlettowvorbeckAlso, you shouldn't assume things. Even if you are the self-proclaimed president, you're not above the law ” Did you just self-proclain me as the self proclaimed president? The deepatate's self proclaimation has no self proclaiming bounds! Especially this one, Coptic Surprise. First they assume things and then they think they're amusing.
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “She probably doesn't like being called "Taffudge" due to the word being used pejoratively ” The ie means a lot to me, the whole thing, so it’s so sad to me, to see what I Bad Terrorism Bad Guys, from the face of the it won me the election, to halt these radical errorists from country. Extreme vetting, that’s the word extreme vetting , I think you’ll find we’re being proven correct very quickly.
π k/d ratio
PostBet it's a nerd!
Flame Tanks
PostI hate those fireflies!
Haha, Mafga is entertaining. I'm old enough in here though.