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Quote from NEPTUNE the great: “I've only used motorized infantry, is mechanized infantry worth the hassle to back up your tanks? ” no , they are useless if you have mech + tanks enemy can give damage to your units with only anti armour units and you won't have your faster anti-infantry scout units , who cares anti air damage of mech units it is not worth to spend research time if you haven't last level of interceptor and motorized infantry you can't see enemy last level commandos armored cars ca…
Quote from simon: “Yo bro. Don't listen to these twits. Once the game gets a gold buying fanatic, you might as well quit and cut your losses, so as not to have your military record tarnished by unfair, unrealistic, cowardly players. I played a game once where Spain had full nuclear capability after 4 days of real time. Even my natural enemies quit along side of me it was so ridiculous to keep playing. ” 4 days of real time LOL , you cant research nuclear even with gold before than others because…
Quote from Montlier: “Quote from Undaunted: “Quote from Montlier: “... ” man , you are rookie , enemy has 80 units at day 8 and you are amazedyou don't know to play game , it is all ” but bro it was way too much,like it was level 3 and 4 troops shit heavy medium tanks and all naval shit.Like the newspaper showed the top militaries that guys was at 24% and everyone lese was at 10 to 11%.This can only happen with gold usage. ” it is normal , %24 guy knows to play other average or dont know play
Quote from Montlier: “... ” man , you are rookie , enemy has 80 units at day 8 and you are amazed you don't know to play game , it is all
Quote from freezy: “Interesting poll. Decisions how to proceed won't be based on such polls though, but rather on quantitative data. Basically the stats of the game overall. Qualitative feedback like this however can be used to finetune stuff in detail. Btw side note: In the forums I have often read before the last balancing update that oil is the scarcest resource, and even now after the last balancing update in this thread I read how people say that metal is the most abundant resource. The int…
Quote from St. Chroma: “Flying bombs are weak and only have 1 level so it seems that they aren't good for anything. Is this true? ” they are not best but good , you can send them to enemy artillery stack and destroy them without lose main units you can destroy enemy buildings with them like airstrip or industry
Armoured Cars
PostQuote from Coptic Surprise: “I use armoured cars and my main scout unit, because they are fast, and not expensive, so it is easy to make lots of them ” last level armored cars cant see last level commandos so you need interceptors or motorized infantries to reveal them
New Player Tips
PostQuote from St. Chroma: “Hello, I am fairly new to the game. Does anyone have tips or suggestions for newer players about how to get better? ” join to coalition at 1st day you cant stay alive without it
New doctrine
PostQuote from ThreadManager: “I want European allies to be a doctrine and American allies to be a separate one. Why? Because allies are boring. There are so many of them, and it completely ruins the American theatre. North America is extremely boring to play in 100p unless you play Alberta or Mexico, and the American map is completely ruined by this. I think Canada and its provinces (Except Alberta in 100p and British Columbia in the Pacific event) should be European while all states are American. …
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “@Bytro Labs The forum poll about the las downgrade: RESOURCES REFORG... erhh RUINED !!OBLIGATORY POLL!! 29 votes and 72% says the Resource Reforged downgrade is a bad thing! 29 votes is a lot on this forum! 72% is a massive majority on top of that! ” it is %74 but they wont care
Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “@Undaunted cant get over how he loses so much so he likes to throw insult around at other players like what he did to @jubjub bird in bhutan game. ” yeah I cant find 5 friends from clan and 5 friends from academy clan to join even 22p maps so I'm angry LOL I could order rookie guy attack to this enemy stack so I can eat it easily but I have no rookie whyyy I'm not glorious like zoomzoom why god why I could have 9999999 k/d ratio like him whyyy god
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Funny intermediary results analysis: - @Bandersnatch can't explain why he likes the downgrade nor has he shown he understands the criticism on other threads = disqualify? - @BeerBelly is a golder, so, that would mean he likes it because he spends less? This would be the opposite of the goal of the downgrade! - @Undaunted doesn't seem too much in favor elsewhere but voted for the downgrade., maybe he would care to explain what he sees as betterment of…
I agree with you , naval bombers are better than useless ships especially you have a oil rich country if you have to produce cruisers you are only poor oil country and you will need at least one high level destroyer to scout enemy submarines and it will work only if you are very active player , your research slots will be very busy with ships on the other side axis submarines especially have speed bonus and -1/-2 day availability , commie cruiser guys easy hunt for these guys , your cruisers can…
Getting Better
PostQuote from Pope Pius XI: “I want to get better at the game. Where should I start? ” Stop produce tanks , go armored cars , planes , artilleries , submarines This is the beginning point of the way to be better at game
Motorized infantry can Scout and kill enemy infantry units. Good against anti tank bad against armored car mechanized country is slower can kill enemy infantry units Good against armored car bad against anti tank You say you have medium tanks they are good against armored car so go motorized infantry. They have bonus at axis
Be friend with UK his navy can easily destroy your life and you wont need to focus africa but most of players are beginners so I dont think it will attack you. I supposed he is experienced invade yugoslavia and greece before than others North italy is very easy to defend against northern invaders you have support of big ships and have many mountain to slow enemy If USA is experienced player dont forget to have good relationship with him Ships , Anti air , artillery , anti tank , infantry , plane…
Quote from NoobNoobTrain: “This is funny. I'm currently playing the Blitzkrieg map and I'm constantly short on metal. Shortages of resources are SUPPOSED to be present in any scenario, right? Why are you asking Bytro to stop dumbing down the game and at the same time you ask for a starting resource balance that allows you to play without thinking about balancing resources. Something quirking here! ” I will talk about world war map 100p , there are 11 province to produce resources if you have onl…