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  • When I logged in today I got this screen, my games and rank would not load so I cannot play the games. I tried reloading and logging out but nothing works.…0e4bcd4588fa97b67fa101d52

  • I’m confused about why Greenland has only one province because it is so big?

  • People are being mean to Romanians

  • Balkan map

    BrailaDenis - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Bytro should make a map about the Balkans

  • Balkan map

    BrailaDenis - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Bytro should make a map about the Balkans

  • Game is slow

    BrailaDenis - - Bug Reports and Issues


    The game is really slow for me today

  • 1944 or 1945 map

    BrailaDenis - - Suggestions / Criticism


    I think it would be a good idea to have a map that takes place towards the end of the war like in 1944 or 1945

  • Game is slow

    BrailaDenis - - Bug Reports and Issues


    The game is really slow for me today

  • Hi, when I logged into my round today and started making actions, the game would not accept them. For example I started moving an infantry unit from one province to another, but the game just kept it in the city it was in and didn't show that the unit was moving like it usually does. I also tried to level up an ordance foundry in one of my cities and the game would not deduct resources or show the building being built in the popup area. I waited several minutes but to no use. I even reloaded the…

  • Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “But, do Romanians even count as humans, anyway? ”

  • Quote from HenrikSchreiber: “All EU problems would be solved if they remove Romania from the union. ”

  • Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “Gender transitions occur because Romanians put people into a trance and force them to believe that they are the opposite gender. ”

  • Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “If Romanians are the worst group in the world, Russians are the second worst. Romanians are like flies or vermin, doing nothing productive, just looking for scraps of food (money) for their own benefit. Russians are like subhuman orcs, they don’t have enough braincells to understand that they have the actual control over their country, but they’re told by Putin to fight Ukraine, and instead of even second-thinking it they are programmed with “FUCK UKRAINE! DESTROY UKR…

  • Quote from HenrikSchreiber: “I notice that romanians have a weird smell to them, like sulfur or something. I guess it fits from them being out in the sun all day, but man! I would never want to be in a room with one of those... creatures. ”

  • Quote from MarioLazzaratti: “I live in Italy, and I can confirm that the Romanian element has brought down the country as a whole. ”

  • Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “UK Gov’t: “Okay Romania, we’ll give you 500,000 machine guns, 20,000 tanks and 1,000,000 landlines! Just PLEASE keep your filthy gypsies out of London, PLEASE!!!!!” ”

  • Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “Bunch of crock. Romania GDP is lowest in EU, by far! Even less than Croatia, if you can believe that! The entire Romanian economy is centered on agriculture and stealing; they have no industrial value whatsoever. If NATO would stop sucking up to Romania and selling them weapons, they would be fighting WW3 with sticks and stones. ”

  • Quote from HenrikSchreiber: “Romania is a CRAP country! Half the people are fairy faggоts and the other half are Russia commie sympathizers! (Does that make the whole country useless?) ”

  • Quote from WilhelmSchultz: “Romania as a country is a joke. Complete JOKE. The rest of Europe should be ashamed that Romania is on their continent. Actually, it feels weird to even refer to Romania as a “country”. Because it is not an actual union, it is, in fact, a gathering of primitive gypsy-nomads and other tribal beings. No wonder why everyone is upset about Romania being in the EU. But how does Romania function as a “country”, anyway? How does it stick together? These gypsies seem to have …

  • I noticed several players making anti-Romanian comments and threats. As a Romanian I am hurt that people here think these things about my country and our people. It would be great if something was done about this. I will post these comments below for reference