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Your first target should be to reach Florida quickly to take back MAR-A-LAGO!! Make America Greater again. Quote from GeneralJames: “Bro has the confederate flag ” That's the flag with which you start in this map. Mississippi had this flag for a long time, it was only changed 4-5 years ago. Bytro should change it soon.
Quote from GeneralJames: “I follow the will of the People. Most people I have talked to 1). Don't GAF or 2). Are against his presidency. I would also not call you neutral, as you have taken sides in the election drama. ” I'm not neutral but point out a single thing in this thread which is biased against you? Let us agree and move on!
I felt the urge to make this thread... So, the thing is that for the past 1 month, the single word 'election' has dominated this forum. There have been way too many off topic discussions because of this single thing. Usually, elections wouldn't be this controversial, but this time it is different. We need to end this drama and for the sake of this, the great forum community needs to unite and end our differences. This site doesn't need endless election drama, we had an election Mid-Jan, let us p…
π k/d ratio
PostNeed someone with kd ratio=e
Quote from General Sherman: “What did I do? ” Consider yourself lucky, because what you did is bannable. The thing is that we are kind and didn't report you for that. Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “... ” lmao... i told you to tone it down a bit... now look what happens ” Y'all are lucky to not get banned after calling him a nazi because of his name. ” never called anyone nazi and never commented on his n…
There is literally 0 turnout in this election and obviously, lack of transparency. How would we know who likes tafftya's or Jimmy's toenail more? Also, this is literally pretty much just self-voting. Never before has an election being boycotted like this. Lol. However, I'm still curious, who has the best toenail? As of now, our good old Gen-Zs can't figure that out...
Lol Sherman, she didn't ask you nothing. I'll sum things up: i) I made the routine Forum election thread in July, however, due to inactivity, that election never happened. So, we had an election in Mid-Jan, where Claudio (The MAfGA movement's head) won the election 9-6. Tafftya conceded and everything went normally for a week. ii) Then came the Gen-Z trio, consisting off Bandersnatch, General James, Sherman and they demanded new elections because James slept during the real one. Ever since then,…
Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Mr. President, How will you end the shitty updates from Bytro? I haven't seen any productive update from Bytro recently as has everyone else... When and HOW will you do something about it? ” The thing is that Bytro doesn't appear to care about public opinion. There was such a heavy criticism of WBs and resource removal yet, they went ahead with those updates.
Quote from GeneralJames: “Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from GeneralJames: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “@GeneralJames you claim you started with COW when you were 11yrs old. How come then, that you are still 11? And though it is an entirely different subject: how can an 11 yr old run for a fantasy office position in fake-elections? Oh wait... that is possible of course, bc 11 yr olds don't live in reality yet. It is all a fantasy! The reality is: The opposition in the only true elections conceided …
Quote from General Sherman: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “I hope so ” Reported for harrasment! ” ? ” I know you don't understand; everyone knows; except you ofc. The latter is a typical trait of people who suffer from the Dunning-Krüger syndrome. Until you realize that, you cannot be helped, really...All MAfGA(tm) does is stimulate your independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, MAfGA(tm) is helping y…
Quote from freezy: “E-Mail verification is now required to use the ingame chat, which makes it a much bigger hassle for multi-accounters to troll in the chat. There were cases where single users created hundreds of accounts to keep trolling chat after they got banned. I mean, it's still possible, but every extra step that needs to be taken by the trolls makes it less likely that they will keep it up for long. ” Wonderful thing, I remember it being recommended earlier. Thankfully we will not need…
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “And??? All this thread signifies is what a silly willy you are ” Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “So? ” If you look closely, you'll see that WLV wrote this:Or are you truly lizard?? I might start believing my story! A clear indication that VLW was lying about me being a Lizardman ” This guy has 0 humor. ” I'm not joking ” I never said you were. Actually, it is a waste of time talking …