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π k/d ratio
PostQuote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Need someone with kd ratio=e ” Exponent? ” Euler’s number e is approximately equal to 2.718
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Phillip Bosley - - News
PostQuote from freezy: “ Btw for canceling research/production/construction you only get a partial refund based on how much wasn't finished. ” So, if you cancel when the building is 50% finished, you will get 50% of the resources back?
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Phillip Bosley - - News
PostQuote from freezy: “I am sorry for your loss, but please pay attention to the popups the game shows you. It literally tells you that you will lose the resources when you try to cancel the upgrading (see attached image). ” Why is it that resources are not returned for canceled upgrades, like they are for canceled research, productions and constructions?
Game dead
PostThis game is dead.
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Phillip Bosley - - News
PostQuote from VonEchoWolf: “For me, I would be better off if we just returned to the previous state of the game (ie, before war bonds), because I think war bonds are unnecessary and totally realistic. For me, I would prefer to encounter a mass golder (and lose a game unfairly) every once in a while, over constant artificial gold actions every game. This cap will only exacerbate that, encouraging players to spend more war bonds more often. I think that they should just remove the war bonds entirely …
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Phillip Bosley - - News
PostThank you so much for the WB cap!
Are there any other forum users (besides Bandersnatch of course) that actually support the "Resources Reforged" update?
Hello, I noticed that a few users, namely @HenrikSchreiber, @vonlettowvorbeck, and @WilhelmSchultz have been banned from the forum. All three of these users had something in common: they were all outspoken critics of Bytro’s recent updates, particularly “Resources Reforged”. Does this classify censorship of opposing views? Is Bytro trying to shut down people who criticize their updates?
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “I like this game version. No boosters and ppl afarid to use Wbs. It is almost a good version from the good old days. It is now skill or gold only ” Even better, most former "gold" actions now require the gold to be converted to WBs, so there is a decrease in premium actions across the board!
I'm tired of the players of this game not getting heard. Over 90% of players want: - Removal of War Bonds - Reversal of "Resources Reforged" downgrade - More maps and scenarios - More Operations - Smoother gaming experience (less lag) - New features in general But we don't get none of this! Bytro, PLEASE start listening to your playerbase, and maybe if you take the actions the players want, then MAYBE the players will look positively on Bytro (which would most certainly lead to an increase in sa…