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Shared intelligence allows you to see the shared maps of other players. Ill shall present my own scenario: Lets say you player A is an alliance with players B, C, and D. They all decide to share maps with each other. Player A decides to be a double agent for his alliance, and gives "shared intelligence" to you. By doing this you are now able to see the maps of players A,B,C and D. Now if you give shared intelligence to another player, you are given your shared map along with any shared map you h…
Quote from John Hollande: “I'm going to miss you Squiggles. I have had some good chats with you. One question will you still be able to play on Conflict of Nations. If so I might join. My friend says that you play that game. Squiggles, you have helped me so much throughout my gaming experience. I am going to miss you. Goodbye Squiggles! Your friend John Hollande ” This means so much to me! The love and support from the community has really kept me going for so long. I am glad to have served you …
Quote from purplepizza117: “bye mcsgiggles you meannt the world 2 me! you were my 1st repsonse other than Butter Ball bill so I was like oh no but then you came and I was like wow I can stay here becauyse people like Mcsgiggles were so nicwe 2 me. bye squiggles!!!!! have fun weherever you going! ” You cant expect a guy with this username to be mean, right? Seriously though, Ive known you for so long. We have had some great conversations too. I forgot to mention ya in my first post, so this will …
Dear friends, co-workers, buddies, enemies, former bosses, cat-lovers, Well, this is it. It has been a fun ride. Roughly two years ago, I joined Call of War. A lone Squiggle, lost and unknowing. I was taken in by fellow members of the community and accepted amongst the friendly folk.For months I remained a fun loving,helpful citizen of chat, until I was asked to apply for staff by the support team. My first application was rejected, but the second was successful. I was in, a GO for the EN team. …
Quote from SirAmerican: “Well, Squiggles speaks American accent. I think you really have a unique accent, Squiggles . To be honest, I try to speak British English, as for me I think it sounds better than American one ” Very interesting. So basically you said, "You have a nice accent Squiggles...buuuuutttttt I like the british accent better"
Quote from James Hylton: “"I LIIIIIIIIVE!!!!" I have returned from my wilderness exile! Also, I will remember that formula in the future! ” You're alive!!!! :O