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Well, Endgame is back!
This is an issue that I'm surprised hasn't been fixed already. In most of the maps that include Yugoslavia, their flag isn't correct. The correct flag has a red star in the middle, with a yellow border around it. However, the flag in-game only has the blue-white-red lines, omitting the star. I thought this game was supposed to be historically accurate. Well, guess not! P.S. This is the flag I am talking about.
When the gay parade is too loud and they wake up the homophobes...
Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quotes are my enemy... ” Lmao
Supremacy 1991?
Seems peculiar...
I suggest that the disembarking time be lowered from 4½ hours to 3 hours, the same as the embarking time. This game is supposed to be faster than real life, and even in real life it probably wouldn't take that long. So please remove this unrealistic and annoying aspect and shorten the disembarking times.
In one of my games, the supply crates that appear occasionally are disappearing faster than they should. They usually take 2 days to disappear, but at the rate it's going, it will only take 8 hours (I did the math) The parachute indicator in the upper-right corner is also counting down fast. Note: this is happening in only one of my games.
My plans for playing as Egypt in World at War: (first 7-8 days)…6404a0a11eeb4adb202e0f4eb I will be attacking Greece, Albania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria, and West Turkey first. Then I might attack East Turkey, Georgia, Crimea, Romania, Malta, Rhodes, and Hejaz.
In cow 1.0, you get to name RR guns, battleships, ACs, nuclear battleships/carriers/subs, RFs, Atomic bombers and nuclear rockets. In 1.5, you still get to pick names for those units, but the names are not displayed in the newspaper when they are produced, like in 1.0, and if they destroy an enemy unit in 1.0, the name is also listed, but not in 1.5. So I don't think it is necessary to name units anymore.