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What I would like is to have a Coalition Headquarters which allows the owner to issue orders to coalition member units in a certain range. The HQ could then be increased by levels till you have Supreme Headquarters Allied Expedition Force (SHAEF). It should be on its own little Tech Treat. The other members of the Coalition would have to activate an allowance for the control and you would have to have only one HQ within its range. Players could then arrange a more effective and closer to realist…
New unit
PostDo not like the idea of a pirate function for ships. What I would like is to have a Coalition Headquarters which allows the owner to issue orders to coalition member units in a certain range. The HQ could then be increased by levels till you have Supreme Headquarters Allied Expedition Force (SHAEF). It should be on its own little Tech Treat. The other members of the Coalition would have to activate an allowance for the control and you would have to have only one HQ within its range. Players coul…
I strongly believe that players should be rated on their commitment to play. That is players should have a rating that reflects whether they went inactive in a game. This should also be used to set games up as a Completion rating of say 80% to enter is more important than actual point level. Another idea may be to keep track of coming in 2nd and 3rd again as a little achievement aspect showing you stuck it out and had a reasonable finish. Also would like countries played per scenario, so say hav…
More 1.5 maps?
PostI concur that I would like to see more of the standard scenario maps converted to 1.5 very tired of the 22 players Europe map.
New Features in CoW 1.5
EZ Dolittle - - News
PostSuggestion: Change the aspect of Seeing Stealth Units to either Seeing Stealth units on land, or at Sea or All. This way a Scout Car will not see a submarine, a destroyer will not see commando's but airplanes can see both.
From another player in a watched beta game. The new army bar: 1) is missing the timestamp for intel ghosts. This is vital to know how fresh/reliable an enemy position is. 2) is missing the ability to dynamically see what the travel time would be for possible target destinations. We now need to use trial and error. Especially annoying when you want to advance arty just enough to time it with the 30-minute cool down.
Suggestions from a BETA Game 1. RESEARCH TREE INFO The research tree does not show you what the hit points are for the unit you are researching. I understand that it varies based on your theme of Axis-Allied etc but it still would be nice to have that info when you are doing something as opposed to having already built it and then click on the icon of the unit (as opposed to the "i" of the stack. 2. THEMES Comicon is too weak compared to the other two. Maybe dropping manpower costs another 20% W…
I like 1.5 and will not play 1.0. However, the whole design is always under revision and it is important to feed into the designers what we like, what we want, what we need and then the whole issue is how do they digest all of that so that they could present a PRODUCT that represents their company and appeals to a sustainable number of players and that they, the designers, can defend. I am encouraged by the advances and the responses, being a dyed in the wool New Yorker, nothing is done fast eno…
I want to give a shout out and a Gold Star to Prince here, I had an insane login problem starting on Friday and could not get into my account (kept sending me to a new account or my Grandson's inactive account) all this while two games were in progress. He actually answered my email on a Sunday and that is fully deserving of
I wonder if rather than a facility simply to have as part of the computation, whether the unit moved or not. For example: if it is in a province that it owns it is at 15xmorale of the province to which we ADD if the unit has not moved a second set of 15xmorale of the province so you could get up to 30% You would have to have the computer keep track of who moved but it might be a better function. I do like the idea of naval bases having increased repair capacity, but in 1.5 it should be the naval…
I have seen what would be called a Death Star or Doom stack of 10 Railguns, with 5 AT and 6+ AA and some infantry. They vaporize things. Historically the railgun was used just as a gun not as a grand battery in the true sense of the word. The simplest solution would be to turn back the limitation to make them only built at your capital and that would go a long way to solving the problem, though a Gold user could produce a mass quickly, it would solve most of the problems and make them more of a …
Comicon Assault Bombers have an attack range of 300 on level 1 In Scenario Europe Call of Nations map for 22 players I had them based in Samara in in east Russia I had them patrol to their farthest extent towards Dubovka in the Cossack lands. The range circle showed that the could not attack directly Dubovka but when put on patrol the patrol zone extends past the white line of the range. The planes then inflicted damage on the defenders in Dubovka and took damage from them in return fire. So the…
Playing the Market The new market algorithm in 1.5 drives the price that the market offers to buy goods at to below 2 very quickly, What I have started to play with is NOT sellng the full amount of the last purchase at 3 or higher. This way I believe what will happen is that the machine will start to offer to buy goods at a higher price. I am not sure if this is figured into the algorithm or not so I am testing it out. Either way it does seem that you never want to sell your goods in a quantity …
New Features in CoW 1.5
EZ Dolittle - - News
PostBalance Response- In the new version there is a feature of low morale in cities affects the build time. This has a very big impact on newly conquered cities. This is further compounded by the higher level of facility needed to build higher level units. The strategic approach to this that I use is that I never develop Armored Cars or Militia and sometimes Anti Tank Guns past the first level. This way when you capture a new city you can in the shortest possible time build a unit there of the vario…
Rail Guns Actually I think they are too mobile. I might suggest that you make them multi level with 4 days in between and increase the speed rather than the attack factors as things go. Might be a better solution, though I believe that they are out of character with the period. I saw a killer stack of 10 of these protected by 8 Anti Aircraft guns and they just vaporized the neighborhoods.
MANPOWER INFANTRY AND MILITIA Continuing with the multiple 1.5 beta tests there is still a manpower shortage and that again hurts the employment of infantry and militia units. Infantry was the backbone of most armies in this period yet looking at the units that are around at the end they are very very small minority. I believe a lot of this is because the cost effectiveness relative to the manpower costs and the maintenance. I would suggest that Manpower costs be reduced by 33-45% for both milit…