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Quote from Carking the 6th: “So make them effectively useless as your only need a bit of money to prevent any spies? That wouldn’t work out. Maybe core provinces or cities only, but even then I’d rather just have what we have now. Spy back against them to make their plans as moot as yours. ” do you have any idea how many times ive still had to repair a factory in a city i KNEW had spies because the bloody rat "was caught AFTER completing his mission" id argue contra's need a way higher succes ra…
alternative idea: high level data like that should only be allowed to be extracted from your capital, local spies can of course still detect local units but a full army reveal should be pretty rare and only be able to happen in your capital, the same thing with intercepted communications, should only be able to happen at your capital that way you KNOW how to stop people from getting your most important data, its a bit BS how me and my allies plan can completely fall apart because somehow spy bil…
recommended path: *blitz persia *hit iraq afterwards *make sure you have a strong navy or at the least alot of naval bombers nearly all your core cities are within range of battleships so you wanne be able to stop nations like the UK and especially italy to just abuse that fact making you unable to contest your core cities whatsoever * do not expand into greece/yugoslavia unless the italy player is inactive, it will most likely compell them to attack you way sooner then you'd like *dont ally wit…
Quote from Fox-Company: “This would defeat the purpose of the game, everyone would choose Axis and the game would not really be fun anymore, because the game would become super un-balanced. ” i actually dislike the axis doctrine the most tho, in a game where fighting on multiple fronts especially early on is already pretty much impossible as you just dont have enoguh troops to defend your entire border AND keep reserves to stop them from just base racing you, especially in a war on several front…
as the title says my suggestion is the abillity to choose your doctrine yourself, obviously excluding this option from the historic gamemodes because its you know, historic, if you have a playstyle you heavily prefer it would be nice that you can assign a doctrine to go along with you playstyle with whatever doctrine goes with it to whatever country you want (again excluding historical gamemodes for obvious reasons) because it can suck when your preferred tactic is lightning blitz attacks so you…
okay so
Postdid they really bring back the distance from capital morale penalty? why dude? iam playing soviet union on historic and literally have a -38 a day in the east, do they really expect soviet players to just stall for god knows how long to make lord knows how many propaganda offices to maintain control or what?
Quote from Moss20: “Nonsense. That would be assuming the provinces are the size of my closet. And unless the ground forces are actually at the airport, there is no "scrambling" And with costs to planes, I am ok with them having a fighting chance ” iam not okay with them having a fighting chance to be frank, simply because planes are disgustingly overpowerd as it stands currently, this coming from somebody that uses planes as a key part of my strategy so id know, so i honestly think realism be da…
Quote from Suna232: “it is not nonsense if you think about it. When you are fighting for province, as long as you do not capture it, it is under enemy's control.Aircrafts fly off and damage your units then fly back and it repeats, difference being that you are more easily able to damage airstrip and aircraft itself. ” should atleast greatly reduce its damage then, when the enemy is at the gates, fair enough you're realistically going to be scrambling airforces in the province less then a mile to…
Quote from K.Rokossovski: “I think you're missing the point on this one. The popularity was introduced specifically to HURT players who are attacking a lot of nations and expanding fast (usually resulting in great power) ” so basically people who just play the game? id get the point you were making if your populairty goes up after a few days of not doing anything, letting te tension die down so to speak, but that not reality there's only so much good will you can get by dealing out share maps li…
so i think we can all agree that the endless snowball of AI's dogpiling you gets old really quickly, now i get it the orginal idea behind it was the assumption that most players would stay active meaning that the danger would only come from really minor countries, but this simply does not reflect reality, iam sure quite a few can relate to the sense of dread coming from playing HWW and being wedge between AI soviets and germans, or any major powers really, or suddenly having to scramble an army …
so in other words what you want is for the the already hard task of beating a economically superior oponent to become impossible? got you, you're basically saying that the guy that can already crank out medium tanks that are a level higher then mine because i cant afford tank plant upgrades while in a non stop war production loop as to not gut my own production rate with overleveled tanks, which he can produce more of and faster then me should ALSO get an additional advantage besides the raw sta…
Quote from Zaktty: “Not going to reflect well on you if you don't even read suggestions before commenting. ” how so? the title tells me everything i need to know, you want some sort of supply starve mechanic like so many others, i dont need to read the post to know its just another suggestion to turn call of war into hearts of iron, and like i said keep your HoI out of my CoW
didnt even have to read the post, the title tells me enough that its a terrible idea, no, keep your HoI out of my CoW