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Quote from AleksanderZ: “Quote from croatian kid: “so from what you wrote there will be one yugoslavia? or split into croatia after 1991 ” Originially we were going to have seperate Croatian and Yugoslav nations, but for simplicity and enhanced RP experience we decided to keep Yugoslavia intact and pretend the RP starts before the breakup. ” Remember to place me as USA
Forum Memes
PostQuote from russ_russ1: “VIP got unbanned lol ” My boy got freed!
Quote from AleksanderZ: “Quote from Michaelis: “What’s a roleplay? And why aren’t my posts getting approved. ” Looks like you’re new here. Unfortunately, due to persistent trolling attempts we have to be really careful about who we let into these RPs. I recommend you join a CoW game with someone on the forum so they can see if you’re qualified enough. ” I looked at his profile, he seems legit.
Quote from Carking the 6th: “Ah shit the whole horde is here ” Hmmm if it isn’t the consequences of your actions.
Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from russ_russ1: “you’re quite the repetitive person now aren’t you. I mean, for yourself, in the real world, I’m sure you get on adequately. But that gives you no reason to insult my father. To call yourself whatever you call yourself is just odd. Congratulations on continuing this argument that is occurring though, I’m sure you just crave these arguments with me, yknow, prove me wrong by not responding to this …
Quote from La classic France: “You guys should stop fighting like children! ” Wise words.
Blood feud ahh situation.
Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from GeneralTanke: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “ ” ” ” When the function involves being irrelevant, I call to the stand K.Rosso ” Shut up when the adults are speaking, kiddo. ” Bro really thinks we respect him. ” We do respect him and he has a point. ” Joe, you’re the most irrelevant pe…