Im in historical map at day 28, soo late for rp ecc. but now i just want finish it with a large rush for points and destruction of other nation, so i start high level troops and nuclear rocket...but despite my largest nation with almostg all Asia in my and, some resources still low, i already maxed all in my cores so..what i can do??
Im in war with persia that have axies doctrine very powerful air, im lower in levels and in health but i have much more ground forces, im trying to penetrate with a huge covoil across the mountain where my aa have bonus, also trying to penetrate with my ac and lt but he move away his aircraft fast and kill my small push units, how i can manage these?
In a game i use a lot of aircraft but with some many battles, as panasian, health is soo low and wait 2 or 3 days seems not improve the things, what i can do for have a much tanky aircraft?
Is ok that i need to know what and where he put the spies, but my questions is about how to stop them. What is the right way to put counter-espionage??
Im in one game where despite counter espionage in every city in core at day change my goods are mostly destroyed, any tips to put at the best way counter espionage?
Im going to start an historical map with Japan, i already know the unit i should build with panasian, my answer is most on the economical side, i should max out all my industries in rares, metail oil for snowball industries or other strategies are better?
I admit that it is not simple as a question to ask, I would simply like to improve perhaps in the use of alternative strategies, grow my country's economy more efficiently and make better decisions to win the game.
I ve mostly read all stuff in this forum also with a lot of questions and with this i have managed to build a solid knowledge of the game but still im asking if there are advanced tips and strateges to improve more...i should start to partecipate tournaments or talking with better players??
In all of my games i straight away start to build industries in all my core sities and then level up to level 2-3 ecc. but sometimes still have a lack of im asking when is good start build local industries?
I have recently win a 2 v1 situation , very hardly but panasian in terrain of cores is soo powerful so I like keep the fight in my cres when im low number or levels. A point that i wish understand.. for panasian docrtine tank destroyer as late game unit is valid?I also try to understand if there are some must troops in late game for panasian
But for defense i must create larger stacks to soak up dmg, my questions is about also attacking, how to maximize the use of terrain bonus, bring my adversary there
Thanks for good advices, so in defending im pretty good i think but im always asking how to use properly bonus of terrain in attack, i should aim to central pathing throw that territories that can give me a bonus?
Recently i think im going in a 2/3v1 situation , with enemies all around me, i invested a lot in economy and do the right troops i think, nay advice on how to win in these? also im trying to use with panasian AC to take out industries and capitals, way to make this in the most fast/right way?
Hi in these days im interested in improving my solo performance, so increase my solo wins in larger maps like 50 or even 100, any expert player can advice me on how to move on the diplomacy side also ways to manipulate players ecc.?
Soo to stop enemy spy your provinces,where Is Better ti put counter espionage?and in What Number? 1 Is enough or for a max efficiency is Better to put 5?