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  • What day is it?

  • Quote from whowh: “Breaking news: In light of America's succesful campaigns two years ago, Gulf of Mexico was just renamed Gulf of America. ” That was just the first part of the campaign... next batch of proposals: New York -> Woketown Florida -> Golftown Canada -> Northern Territories Latin America -> non-American America Pacific Ocean -> Western Ocean Atlantic Ocean -> Eastern Ocean Indian Ocean -> Pacific Ocean Europe -> Eastern Colonies Japan, Korea, Taiwan, SE Asia -> Western Colonies Afric…

  • Quote from BladeFisher: “I will take issue with you on all of that. While you might argue that it is a "war song" it is also a national anthem, it was written during the War of 1812 when the UK [i]invaded and attacked the US. Which brings me to the major objection of your post, other than the Invasion of Iraq tell me a war in the 250 year history of the US where[/i] What a load of false crap!!! Prior to 1812 the founding states were a colony that rebelled ffs. They werent invaded and attacked by…

  • Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Taffyta Muttonfudge: “I need to run in the election to bring some sanity back to the forum @Donk2.0 should also run bc he won the popularity vote ” Another desperate attempt to influence and even rigg elections by the Taffudged Junta! How can one so obviously ignore the Silent Majority & Friends and call them insane? This is a sign of utter disrespect to the Forum Denizens! Besides, if there were elections now, Claudio NKVD would win and if he doesn't win…

  • Playthrough

    K.Rokossovski - - General Discussions


    Is Tadzjikistan even playable on HWW? Otherwise, Turkey.

  • Quote from NoobNoobTrain: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “1) War bonds (aka mana) has been introduced, to protect coiners from being seen (everybody uses them now, so it is hard to tell for others if it was just generated or being payed for). The fact that it also meant introducing magic into the game (all kind of stuff can be done instantly: researches, unit builds, destroying buildings etc etc) for the non-paying users (the majority) was apparently not an argument for Bytro management to think twi…

  • Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Quote from Joe Bartolozzi: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “That wasn't even a presidential race. And I won there, I'm still president. No need to worry guys. ” 1) You lost that election to Zakkty.2) Let's say that you won, even then, your term came to an end in October-November 2024 itself. Yeah..let us just announce Donk as Prez without any election. ” Yeah... If there's no election yet, my term's still going on. ” Very well, we will soon have fo…

  • Popularity issue

    K.Rokossovski - - Bug Reports and Issues


    For roleplaying purposes, people don't like a nation who constantly changes their policy; in other words, "change and change back". Perfectly reasonable for the game to punish this. For practical solution, don't set majors to share maps before you are sure that they aren't played. PS - your in-game popularity with a human player doesn't really matter, he'll decide himself if he will fight you yes or no.

  • 1) War bonds (aka mana) has been introduced, to protect coiners from being seen (everybody uses them now, so it is hard to tell for others if it was just generated or being payed for). The fact that it also meant introducing magic into the game (all kind of stuff can be done instantly: researches, unit builds, destroying buildings etc etc) for the non-paying users (the majority) was apparently not an argument for Bytro management to think twice. 2) Common resources have been reduced from 5 types…

  • It's allowed for 5 people to work together on the 100p map, more is considered wolfpacking.

  • Release Notes - 2024-10-29

    K.Rokossovski - - News


    Probably the price for losing a war. Before the war, many German speakers lived in Poland, Czechoslovakia, the Baltic states, and other places. The cultural influence of Germany in places like the Netherlands and Yugoslavia was also bigger than either English or French. After the war, all of that was gone; the Volksdeutsche had all been deported to the core nation, and no one wanted to listen to German composers or read German writers for quite a while.

  • CoW divorce

    K.Rokossovski - - General Discussions


    The forums and discords are full of protests about the dumbifications of this year, but guys, guys, this is kind of pointless. Bytro has made their decision what kind of game this will be, a (rich) kid's quick thrill game rather than a serious strategy game. You can all protest that fact for as long as you want, but Bytro really doesn't give one flying f*ck about that. They've pressed two major changes down our throat in less than six months, and we hardly even talk about that first disaster (ma…

  • Knowing the Game

    K.Rokossovski - - General Discussions


    No, I don't think the pope plays computer games at all.

  • Operations

    K.Rokossovski - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Bad news for you is, operations are nothing but a marketing tool used by Bytro, and they will use it to support their marketing goals at any time. The good news, they usually want to claim people's attention over the holiday period so there will likely be several upcoming operations.

  • upgrading units

    K.Rokossovski - - General Discussions


    Quote from mcfc63: “If you attack a unit that's upgrading, what stats does it use in defence? ” The unit is still considered to be at the original level while it is upgrading.

  • Release Notes - 2024-10-29

    K.Rokossovski - - News


    Quote from z00mz00m: “You're free to use Google Translate. So are they. Nobody is obliged to speak anyone else's language. ” As I understood long ago, yes it is mandatory to speak English in here. If that rule has changed, I missed it.

  • This subject is one of the big mysteries of CoW. In the time before AI provinces remained contested during the player peace period, it was studied extensively by the tournament community, but the results were inconclusive. It appeared as if there was a weighted random factor involved, possibly related to the amount of damage that the various players had inflicted upon the defending stack, but that was (due to the random factor) very hard to substantiate. Furthermore, since this mechanic has sinc…

  • Navy stacks are also prone to get to very high HP numbers.

  • Such a silly thought

  • Quote from HenrikSchreiber: “Quote from K.Rokossovski: “Quote from polixenes: “As a boomerang player who keeps quitting "for good" (fed up of gold as a resource) and then coming back again a few months later (because the game COULD be great), I rejoined recently and got slapped in the face with the war bond situation - I was unaware of it until returning on a whim. So now everyone uses mana whether or not they paid or watched adverts for it. And it's use it or lose it since WBs don't carry on fr…