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I want to try some of this frog hummus
Quote from Carking the 6th: ““Why does Leeds even exist?” ” Leeds originated as an Anglo-Saxon township on the north bank of the Aire. It grew as a local market centreand was incorporated in 1626. By then the town was a cloth-finishing centre for a wide area where domestic weaving, introduced by 14th-century Flemish weavers, was pursued.
Quote from Carking the 6th: “Helicopters were only used in around 1943 and after and in VERY VERY limited use, mainly non-combat. And how would they be a stepping stone to missiles? ” A little known fact about missiles is they work by strapping helicopter blades on top and spinning them really fast. Rockets are a myth
Quote from KaiserOfAnonymous: “( I shall be part of Eastern Orthodox Church and the Union because I get to say heresy and other religious words) URAA URAA URAA! TAKE YOUR HAMMER AND HIT THEM BY JAWS! ” Imagine not being catholic
I have no idea what that means
Quote from Donk2.0: “Quote from GreatbigHippo: “I didn't read it, but I think it's really smart! ” You should. Here it is for your viewing pleasure. ” Alright, I just finished reading it, and my perspective is you brought up a bunch of well known, common sense points. I think when discussing whether or not the USSR "worked," the first point that should be brought up is how we define a working society. The USSR did work in the sense that it was able to perpetuate itself; the system worked well en…
I didn't read it, but I think it's really smart!
Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from GreatbigHippo: “Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from russ_russ1: “When car sends you a weird ass image you don’t kmke what it is, well he wants me to be a femboy so he sends me this: ” So you are a Polish person… I knew it ” I’m not a polish femboy I’m not astolfo! I will not dress up as astolfo for you ” every time you say that I am even more convinced you are an average Polish man ” I’m not polish litera…
Quote from russ_russ1: “Quote from Carking the 6th: “Quote from russ_russ1: “When car sends you a weird ass image you don’t kmke what it is, well he wants me to be a femboy so he sends me this: ” So you are a Polish person… I knew it ” I’m not a polish femboy I’m not astolfo! I will not dress up as astolfo for you ” every time you say that I am even more convinced you are an average Polish man
Quote from russ_russ1: “When car sends you a weird ass image you don’t kmke what it is, well he wants me to be a femboy so he sends me this: ” average Polish man