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Historic humor [eng]
Haha divertido, el tentou
Your Favourite Movie
PostKing Arthur-Legend of the Sword Young Arthur cruises London with his crew, not knowing about his royal origins, until he climbs to Ekskalibur. At the same time, he is fascinated by the influence of the sword. He joins rebellion, and gets closer to the young Ginevre. He has to learn how to handle magical weapons, deal with demons, and associate with people to defeat dictator Vortiger, a man who killed his parents and kidnapped him with the crown.
Story Chain Renewal
PostAnd they launched a new world revolution
PostNew version --so damn stinky feast for flies it came from his butt ... I almost fainted burns my eyes \ it came from his butt Ahahahaa
Christmas AM
Christmas AM
C00L Mus1c