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Search results 1-20 of 84.

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  • Happy Holidays - From Bytro

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    you guys need to put the bongs away before you hurt yourselves

  • Release Notes - 2025-01-28

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    there is only one reason for the cap on warbonds it competes with gold use (you will never see a cap on gold use)

  • This game has a lot of similarities with a now long gone game that was played under the name "The Statagems" (Joyfort) and Later rebranded as "War2Glory" (W2G). It was a flash based game and its demise came with the demise of flash. I think one or more of the developers of COW may have played because of the similarities of the games. I belive incorporating some of the resource rules from W2G into COW would be a good thing. In in W2G you had food, oil, steel and rare metal (sound familier?) and y…

  • Search Results Search results 1-20 of 305 for “golders”. These terms were highlighted: golders lots from 2025

  • Search Results Search results 1-20 of 1,000 for “gold use”. There are more results available, please enhance your search parameters. These terms were highlighted: gold use Its more than just a few, and it has been a common theme since 2015. And its not just this game, any free to play competive game where you can get premium items/ actions will have the free to play players telling the spenders that they lack skills, bought the game, ect. ect. If Bytro was really interested in providing the best…

  • Before warbonds you used gold or booster card to heal troops, speed up builds and research. instant spy actions and resource purchases required gold, many players complained about gold and about the unfair advantage gold brought about, Bytro said they heard you and released warbonds as a solution(?), it did obfuscate the use of gold and gave players the options to use what had been exclusive gold features in the past, and gold was relegated to the purchase of resources, with the resource rebalan…

  • Happy Holidays - From Bytro

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    Hey Bytro why don't you fix the rare and goods booster cards that are locked that you gave out in the packs.

  • LOL it is bad, the congo river goes halfway across africa and yet there are NO roads that cross YOU CANNOT MOVE AN ARMY ACROSS IT, most othgr rivers have roads that you can use use to embark and disembark from but not the congo.

  • A few things I have noticed with the new resource shift, is that there are fewer options in the market, before the change I was usually able to trade enough resources around to maintain building and production, not anymore. and the balance between oil, food and steel seems to inevitably lead to oil shortages, Wasn't an uncommon problem in WW2 so maybe that is by design. All in all this game is starting to be pretty boring, keep up the good work developers.

  • Upgrade "Exploit"

    rdy2rocknroll - - Questions and Answers


    Quote from Erecon: “Quote from rdy2rocknroll: “With the intro of warbonds this became much easier, If you can build up the resources you can go from lvl 1 to lvl 7 in one step with the time and resources needed for a 1 lvl upgrade, I like to build all my troops as lvl1 and then upgrade the troop types that will be my main troops to the max lvl. because of the time it takes to build higher lvl troops with lower lvl buildings I find this much more effective and leaving certain troops at lv1 resear…

  • Upgrade "Exploit"

    rdy2rocknroll - - Questions and Answers


    With the intro of warbonds this became much easier, If you can build up the resources you can go from lvl 1 to lvl 7 in one step with the time and resources needed for a 1 lvl upgrade, I like to build all my troops as lvl1 and then upgrade the troop types that will be my main troops to the max lvl. because of the time it takes to build higher lvl troops with lower lvl buildings I find this much more effective and leaving certain troops at lv1 research leaves a fast build option open. Now that it…

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    Quote from Komrade Khrushchev: “Quote from rdy2rocknroll: “Typical rebranding, I would guess the Bytro Name will soon disappear, Stillfront is in the toilet stockwise though, so I would guess there is pressure on the entire group to justify their existence, so they will mess this game up even more. Its a race to the bottom ” Wait, I can buy their stock? ” Don't do it! Never try to catch a falling knife! You can look it up STLFF

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    Typical rebranding, I would guess the Bytro Name will soon disappear, Stillfront is in the toilet stockwise though, so I would guess there is pressure on the entire group to justify their existence, so they will mess this game up even more. Its a race to the bottom

  • Looking for players

    rdy2rocknroll - - Find Co-players


    I started a game a while back and it only had 3 players, one went inactive and the other is incommunicado, It should be an interesting game because resources and war bonds have been accumulating and some of the armies that I can see are substantial USA has the best prospect and France and Japan should be pretty good too. I have the UK and the largest army but I haven’t really developed the tech as shown on the chart. The game needs 3 more players to rank, when I set it up I made it Master sergea…

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    War Bonds are a wash unless somebody buys more with gold. EVERYBODY get the exact same amount, so there will be skill and strategy involved in how they are used.

  • Im just trying to get a few more players to rank the game, didnt think it would be this difficult

  • War Bonds Question?

    rdy2rocknroll - - Questions and Answers


    Just another resource, they stay with the game, non tranferable non refundable so use em up lol

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    rdy2rocknroll - - News


    Well don’t worry none of that would happen, the real value that free players add is like clicks and reviews and sucking in their friends, it is a game of percentages and so the premium stuff that generates revenue (gold premium accounts ect.) will not go away, it does affect the gameplay but that is the cost free players pay, like you said ” they should just make less demands and play the game as it is”

  • War Bonds - New Resource

    rdy2rocknroll - - News



  • Here is an example using strategic bombers, lets say you have a stack of 10 and a stack of 2, the 10 would do 200 damage to buildings and the 2 would do 40 damage, for a total of 240, now if you stack them both only 10 will do damage so its 200 damage. divide the 200 damage by the 240 damage they would do in total if not stacked and comes out to 83% see the example.