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AFK Options
PostThey could just add a popup that would show a game's specific time arrangement if you try to enter it, similar to the one that appears in private matches where you have to pay to enter.
AFK Options
PostAuto pause for a certain amount of time in every 24hr cycle was proposed a while back. Didn't really got support. Still think it's a gem of an idea.
Deader than ever
PostEveryone's on discord now
South Africa
PostQuote from Claudio NVKP: “Quote from Z. Sakki: “Hey dutch antivax gang ” I think that's a tip to invade the Netherlands. Thanks, I will do it when I reach Asia. ” Isn't majority of european south africans of dutch descent? I guess you have to invade yourself then.
South Africa
PostQuote from Claudio NVKP: “I'm surely not a part of The Nederlandse Vereniging Kritisch Prikken ( dutch antivax gang ). ” That's exactly what someone who's part of it would say
South Africa
PostHey dutch antivax gang
Upgrading Subs
PostI had destroyers, 2 full lvls ahead the subs
Upgrading Subs
PostThere seems to be something wrong with interactions regarding upgrading subs (could just be units in general). I attacked a stack of 2 subs with 20 cruisers, did it with 10 first, then the second 10, and it did zero damage. There was also one 2 man sub stack that I attacked with nav bombers and it did disappear, weird thing tough it didn't get reported in the newspaper, not in the news and not in the casualty report so I still am not sure if it died or not.