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It's situational. Sometimes you're in an air battle and the best way to use WB is to heal. If your opponent is healing his and you're not, then you lose. Skilled players usually fly out of level 2+ airfields that are impossible to destroy with WB. It's too expensive. Sometimes the next bump in research is the best investment. Like getting your Axis subs an extra day of invisibility, or countering those subs with Allied destroyer research. Starting the game as Comintern and rushing rocket artille…
Flame Tanks
PostThey are pointless units. Infantry already have a difficult time stopping heavy armor. Artillery and attack bombers already stop them easily. The flame tank adds nothing to the game except an oversized graphic.
I did all that, and the attachment failed. Then I tried to copy paste directly into the post, and that seemed to work, but then it didn't. The bug continues to appear on new maps, by the way. Started a Pacific map two days ago. Egg shaped range circles. Can you try it? Start a new map in a Chrome browser on a Chromebook. The most vanilla setup ever.
Guessing this is a historic map, so day 1 has more advanced research available? If you research infantry level 4, then you can upgrade directly from 1 to 4. With war bonds, this gets a lot easier. Just speed up the research. Starting infantry upgrades are one of the best research investments in the game. Especially if you need to defend early on. Your opponent knows what he's doing.
That's suspicious, when anyone has 24% of total military power. But if these are the numbers, you're playing a small map. There are few active players, almost all of them noobs. If there's one guy who knows the game well, he's going to dominate. Not because he's cheating but because everyone else is really, really bad.
Quote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Build 3 Tank Plants and 2 Barracks at the start, then research Infantry and ACs ” Do not do this. You don't need more than 1 factory of the same type. Unless you cheat/scam/pay for resources, there's absolutely no way to keep more than 2-3 factories running at the same time until day 8 or later. Spending resources on factories means you run out sooner, ending up with fewer units. Total noob move. Don't do it. Yes to infantry research but no to barracks. Infantry are…
If the opponent expanded quickly, and lost zero units since the game started, then it's possible. The newspaper does not lie.
Naval Fleets
PostUnits are not individual ships, in most cases. They represent squadrons if subs, destroyers, transports. Battleships are the exception. If like to see less attention on graphics, in general. No need for every doctrine to have its own AT guns and AA guns and light tanks. Most of them end to looking dumb, or AT guns and artillery end up looking the same, etc.