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Summary of recent controversies on the forum: 1. Favorite Forum User Poll - Made by @Taffyta Muttonfudge - Started as a popularity contest, people could vote more than once - @Donk2.0 won by a huge amount - @Claudio NVKP claimed voter fraud based on that people could vote multiple times, even though everyone (including him) had this privilege - Claudio and others incited fear among forum users of a "establishment" which paved the way for actual forum "elections" 2. Racial Comments thread - Threa…
New Elections?
Post333rd post!
New Elections?
PostYou didn't register though
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from General Sherman: “Those lag my PC ” Who cares? It would be different if that were not yet again an egoistic remark, but it is pretty clear you care only about your immediate needs, isn't it? And don't be so angry! All I do is stimulate independent, critical thinking. Though not appreciated, I am helping you. So, I am thus a nice guy! All the opponents do, is being oversensitive and mean when they don't get what they want. So, in fact: they are bullies! ” …
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “get it right ” Gen. S. you 'liked' that post by banderless Snatch. Really? You are truly going through great lengths to prove to all the world that you have an ant's brain, don't you? Are you not ashamed? Or is it that they don't know über-famous 'Ahmed the Dead Terrorist' on the Dark side of the Moon and you actually are really from that place? Because even Snatch knows him (though he clearly never caught on to any of it). ” Are you talkin…
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “That is why nobody take comments from players with such awful stats serious.Maybe you are from a poor country and you just like them bc you like 'free-stuff'? Anyways, you have no clue about strategy and will never have one. It is what it is and WBs are a form of gold-magic. Pulling a rabbit out of a hat....did you see Putin do it? Or Zelensky? No ... and for the simple reason that in strategy, there are no rabbits magically jumping out of hats. ” I mean, remeber wh…
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from -VIP-: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “@-VIP- please stop supoprting mafga ” haha how have i been supoprting them? if thats a wordi endorsed Taffudge but i didnt vote for you all lose, with the Iron Monkey Party entering the contest ” you like their posts ” you are sorely mistaken, Claudio is an AI (Artificially Intelligent) overlord, who must be stopped, if you think i am bribed than that is classified…