Search Results

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  • The Search feature on the Ranking tab of the Home page is broken. I can't find other players; that is, I type in their names, their names do show on the drop-down menu, but then the Search feature won't take me to their profile when I click the name. Please investigate and repair this bug. Thank you.

  • The RANKING tab search is broken for me; that is, a given name can be seen in the drop-down menu, but clicking on it does not work, and I can't reach the player's profile page.

  • I'm sure this has been asked before, please point me to the appropriate thread, or just explain it to me briefly, please. When land units no longer have sufficient daily resources (as in the case that virtually all - but not all - of their provinces have been captured, and assuming they don't have resources stockpiled or being fed to them daily by a friend), what happens?... Do the units blink out of existence at day-change? Or do they slowly fade in strength and evaporate every day? Thank you.

  • Happy Holidays - From the Bytro Team

    Kolonnos - - News


    Cheers, Bytro!

  • Maps

    Kolonnos - - Questions and Answers


    Perhaps while spectating another map that has just been listed (that is, early in the round, so that the borders have not changed yet), you could print a screenshot of the country of interest...

  • Unable to send messages

    Kolonnos - - Questions and Answers


    2000 characters.

  • Unable to send messages

    Kolonnos - - Questions and Answers


    OK, a lesson learned for me, and I hope this helps others... I had exceeded the message length limit, so the 'Send' button remained greyed out. Once I reduced the length of the message, I was able to send it normally.

  • Unable to send messages

    Kolonnos - - Questions and Answers


    I tried with Firefox, same problem. The 'Send' button remains greyed out.

  • Unable to send messages

    Kolonnos - - Questions and Answers


    I'm unable to send a new message, or reply to a message that I receive via the Home page system-wide mail-messaging service. (I can still send messages from within a map to other players on the same map.) Is there an account setting that I have wrong?... Any help is appreciated. Thank you.

  • Comintern vs Panasian

    Kolonnos - - Suggestions / Criticism


    Recently I played against PANASIAN for the first time. (I have played CoW on and off for some years, but never as PANASIAN, and by luck I had always had PANASIAN teammates.) I was very impressed by PANASIAN speed (they are stupidly fast) and how tough the units are on any terrain.

  • This thread went in an interesting direction from my first post. It's a surprise to me how the topic morphed.

  • Has Bytro posted a schedule for the universal peace days/dates this holiday season?

  • I remember the old system made more political sense... Declaring war on another country was a bigger deal back then. You had to cafefully consider who, where, and how many enemies to deal with. The current system seems too soft on players. Perhaps the current system could be tweaked, or a fusion, somehow, of the old and new systems...

  • I imagine this has been discussed before, but... I remember a time when in CoW the number of active wars a player had was an important part of the game. I don't remember the details, but the more active wars, the greater the morale hit. I don't know whether the 'expansion' morale penalty replaced the old system. But I don't feel that it's enough. I don't feel that players are worried enough or suffer enough consequences from excessive active wars. Right now, a declared enemy A.I. won't trade wit…

  • If my friendly unit is moved thru where a stealth unit is, does the stealth unit automatically (and necessarily) initiate combat? EDIT: In other words, where a friendly unit is moving, or both enemy stealth unit and a friendly unit are moving. SECOND EDIT: Never mind, a situation on the map just clarified my doubt. Yes, even when moving the stealth unit will attack. Thank you all just the same.

  • I'm sorry to ask clarification... Does that also apply when either the enemy stealth unit or a friendly unit is moving?

  • Thank you very much, You-Know-Who

  • QUESTION: Can enemy stealth units walk thru friendly units?... or are they just not detected only from a distance? That is, how can you stop a stealth unit physically if you don't have a scout unit of high enough level?

  • Release Notes - 2023-11-28

    Kolonnos - - News


    Thank you, Bytro

  • What's it called?...

    Kolonnos - - Questions and Answers


    What's it called?... when one player works with a second player to allow that second player to easily capture the country of the first player?... I'm not complaining. Players team up and work together in various ways. I'm just curious to know the proper term or slang expression for such practice. Thank you.