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Quote from GeneralJames: “Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Quote from Claudio NVKP: “Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Mr. President, How will you end the shitty updates from Bytro? I haven't seen any productive update from Bytro recently as has everyone else... When and HOW will you do something about it? ” A MAFGA playthrough will do it! ” How though?You say MAFGA will do it but don't explain how... ” They wont. But I will. I plan to *try* to message Bytro personally, and encourage boycotting…
PostQuote from AnonymeggABC1234: “Quote from VonEchoWolf: “Neunundneunzig Kriegsminister, Streichholz und Benzinkanister ” Are we speaking in our native languages? If so, then:يجب أننتكلم باللغه الإنجليزيه ” Its that famous german song
π k/d ratio
PostQuote from MarioLazzaratti: “Maybe it's @Bandersnatch's statistics from a few months ago! ” Shut up
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from Bandersnatch: “Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “The shocking thing about yet another woefully misspelled and utterly untrue comment by the Snatch, is that it proves kids really don't learn anything anymore, except Googeling... ” How ironic ” Do you know the meaning of the word 'ironic'?Maybe first google it? I mean 'neuroscientist' was already a difficult word for ” No I meant that you were saying I cant spell but then you spell googleing wrong i…
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Bandersnatch - - News
PostSo people are using chatgpt to make feedback? Guess they don't bother to write a heartfelt response themselves.
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Honestly, considering that idk what the hell this shitty president BS drama is or does, I can see why no one replied to this poll, and I can see why it is mostly disapprove. Only shittier updates in here. ” Honestly, you missed that this poll was a Deep State fake?It was merely a subversive taffudging attempt of Elements of the ousted Forum Deep State to undermine the Reign of the Great President, Claudio NKVD, and most say he is th…
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Bandersnatch - - News
PostQuote from Northernking11: “So, I say we remove war bonds completely from the game! I actually think they are the best thing Bytro has done for the game in years. But now that you are going to limit them, you are catering to a specific style of play and that is not fair. So, either leave them as they are or get rid of them completely. 45,000 war bonds are basically useless unless you just want to build some stupid lvl one units. It basically negates all instant actions and you can forget about h…
Release Notes - 2025-01-28
Bandersnatch - - News
PostQuote from Northernking11: “So, I guess I want to start by saying thanks to FREEZY for the reply to my posts. Kind of nice to see a response from someone. But i'm still not happy with the bond cap. i guess I just feel that bonds and or gold are part of the game and every player should be able to use them when and where they want. I'm sorry if some other player spent all theirs on an invasion force to attack me and when they show up thinking they got it made in the shade, only to find out that I …
Quote from vonlettowvorbeck: “Quote from GeneralJames: “I am over 13 years old, thank you. ” Over 13... Did he just really admit he is still a baby? Does he know his brain isn't even fully developed yet? And no, Jamesy-boy, that is not an insult, but merely a physiological fact. And 13...then he isn't even allowed to register an account yet... ” Are you a nyuroscientist? If not then you cant say those things...
Quote from King Romanov theIvan: “Policies I would support: - Boycotting Bytro is necessary - Shutting down the corrupt Bytro control in the subreddit (Yes, they deleted many hate posts.) - Forcing Bytro to get rid of war bonds, cards BS. - Getting back rare materials and goods. - Getting rid of the unfair moderation - Make chat rules less strict - Make chat free again - Promote the NATIONALIST COCONUT UNION and THE COCONUT CULT (Both in Call of War) - Promote Christianity - End the p2w bullshit…